
36043 results

Delft simulation model for optimum performance during team time trials

Delft simulation model for optimum performance during team time trials

During his Mechanical Engineering degree programme, TU Delft student Mats Overtoom came up with a mathematical model that could provide…

Subsidy for making the ‘smartest part of the North Sea’

Subsidy for making the ‘smartest part of the North Sea’

An advanced test area of 10 x 10 nautical miles (= about 185 football pitches) is planned for off the coast of The Hague, just outside the…

Peter Wellens develops method for predicting wave loads in heavy storms

Peter Wellens develops method for predicting wave loads in heavy storms

Peter Wellens, expert in the area of hydromechanics of waves at sea and lecturer at the Department of Maritime and Transportation…

Explore the next-generation metrics tool

The emergence of altmetrics, also known as next-generation metrics, has been communicated around campus the last couple of months. As you…

European Commission signs innovation programme agreement for the shipbuilding industry

European Commission signs innovation programme agreement for the shipbuilding industry

In early June, the Innovation & Networks Executive Agency of the European Commission (INEA) signed the NAVAIS grant agreement, a multi-year…

TU Delft DUWIND wins bid for hosting EAWE Torque2020 Conference

TU Delft DUWIND wins bid for hosting EAWE Torque2020 Conference

On Tuesday the 19 th of June 2018, at the European Academy of Wind Energy’s Board meeting, TU Delft was awarded the right to host the…

G. Soimoiris

S. (Sebastian) Proksch

K.E.R. Pramana

A.I. (Alexandru) Băbeanu