Research News

991 results

08 January 2024

Unique permanent coastal observation detects minimal changes

Unique permanent coastal observation detects minimal changes

A team of researchers from TU Delft has succeeded in long-term mapping of beach topography to within a few centimetres. The unique dataset provides insights into coastal changes for every hour, for three years. This data is important for dune maintenance and to keep the hinterland well protected. The methodology is also being used to monitor other coastlines and even glaciers. The data are open source and published in Nature, and the new methodology was also recently published.

08 January 2024

New year, new name: 3mE is now called Mechanical Engineering

New year, new name: 3mE is now called Mechanical Engineering

The Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Science (3mE) is starting the new year with a new name: Mechanical Engineering (ME). The name change took effect from 1 January.

03 January 2024

Ronald Gelderblom new director of Delft Enterprises

Ronald Gelderblom new director of Delft Enterprises

On the recommendation of the Supervisory Board, the General Meeting of Shareholders of Delft Enterprises B.V. appointed Ronald Gelderblom as new director as of January 1, 2024. Gelderblom already works at Delft Enterprises as Investment Director. He succeeds Paul Althuis, who has been in charge of Delft Enterprises since 2008. Delft Enterprises is the holding company with which TU Delft participates and invests in spin-offs.

20 December 2023

Echo education building wins World Prix Versailles 2023

Echo education building wins World Prix Versailles 2023

TU Delft is very proud to announce that the World Judges Panel for the Prix Versailles 2023 decided to award the World Prix Versailles 2023 (Campuses category) to our Echo education building.

18 December 2023

The iconic book wall turns into an interactive experience

The iconic book wall turns into an interactive experience

For 25 years the Book Wall is the visual backbone of the TU Delft Library. The embodiment of knowledge in the main hall. However, the purpose of the wall needs to be updated.

14 December 2023

Inaugural speech: 'Technology is crucial for reducing workload in operating room’

Inaugural speech: 'Technology is crucial for reducing workload in operating room’

Long waiting lists, delayed surgeries and high costs. According to professor of Medical Process Engineering, John van den Dobbelsteen, this is partly due to insufficient attention to the surgical process when implementing new technology. He wants to improve the interaction between medical staff and medical technology with the aim of reducing the workload. He will deliver his inaugural speech on 15 December.

13 December 2023

NWO grant for developing multi-purpose flat optical components

NWO grant for developing multi-purpose flat optical components

More and better optics with less. That is the ambition of the AWAVE consortium, led by TU Delft. The researchers will develop a flat optical component that might replace all curved optical components, such as lenses, in the future. This flat component should also be easy to recycle and contain fewer harmful substances.

12 December 2023

New research into the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions

New research into the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions

12 December 2023

New research into the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions

New research into the dynamics of the deep subsurface under the influence of human interventions

12 December 2023

Optimisation of hard-soft material interfaces: A 3D printed imitation of bone-tendon connections

Optimisation of hard-soft material interfaces: A 3D printed imitation of bone-tendon connections

11 December 2023

TU Delft ranked 14th worldwide on Sustainability

TU Delft ranked 14th worldwide on Sustainability

On Tuesday 5 December, QS World University Ranking ranked TU Delft in place 14 for the theme Sustainability worldwide. Last year, the university ranked 23 for this theme. The rise shows the university's sustainability ambition.

08 December 2023

Master student Ahmed Emin Batman ECHO Award winner

Master student Ahmed Emin Batman ECHO Award winner

On Thursday 7 December, the winners of the ECHO Award 2023 were announced. BK Master student Ahmed Emin Batman is the winner of the Bèta Techniek Award. Emin is now a 'well-known' face from his many times viewed TikTok video, with his Turkish parents during his BSc graduation ceremony, with now almost 600,000 views.

08 December 2023

New 3D co-culture model to study the effect of proton therapy on aggressive brain cancer

New 3D co-culture model to study the effect of proton therapy on aggressive brain cancer

Researchers at TU Delft designed novel 3D-engineered scaffolds inspired by the geometry of the brain microvasculature. The micro-structures were co-cultured with both glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer, and endothelial cells, the building blocks of blood vessels. This model enabled researchers to study the effect of proton therapy on glioblastoma and uncovered a possible protective role of endothelial cells on cancer cells.

06 December 2023

TU Delft Dream Team Epoch, winnaar van de Computable Award in Sustainable Tech

TU Delft Dream Team Epoch, winnaar van de Computable Award in Sustainable Tech

Team Epoch, een studenten Dream Team van de TU Delft, de trotse winnaar van de Computable Award 2023 voor Sustainable Tech. Team Epoch ontving de award naar aanleiding van hun prestatie in de Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bio-massters-competitie, waarin het team een AI-model ontwikkelde dat de hoeveelheid biomassa in een bosgebied in Finland kan voorspellen.

06 December 2023

Pivotal moment for humanity as tipping points in Earth systems and society accelerate

Pivotal moment for humanity as tipping points in Earth systems and society accelerate

The report says current global governance is inadequate for the scale of the challenge of accelerating tipping points and makes six key recommendations to change course fast, including coordinated action to trigger positive tipping points.