Research News

991 results

27 August 2020

Researchers take important step towards new generation of batteries

Researchers take important step towards new generation of batteries

Delft University of Technology researchers, in collaboration with researchers from Tsinghua University, have taken an important step towards a new type of Li-ion battery, which can be found in our smartphones, laptops and electric cars, among other things. For the first time, they succeeded in making an electrolyte that goes well with an anode made of lithium metal. Lithium metal is the holy grail for anodes. In theory, a two to three times higher energy density can be achieved with this material compared to current batteries.

25 August 2020

Joost Lötters appointed part-time professor at PME

Joost Lötters appointed part-time professor at PME

We are pleased to announce that Joost Lötters has been appointed as a part-time professor within the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME) of the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE).

25 August 2020

TU Delft researchers separate microparticles on the basis of their shape

TU Delft researchers separate microparticles on the basis of their shape

Scientists in Delft have developed a technique for selectively separating microparticles in a liquid on the basis of their shape. The technique calculates precisely the path that a specifically shaped microparticle will follow in a flow through a narrow tube. This makes it possible to set up a sorting channel, in which the differently shaped particles each find their own way. The new technique, which was published today in the journal PNAS, can be used in a range of sectors, for example in the manufacture of medicines or removing microplastics from water.

03 August 2020

Future energy systems need to be climate proof

Climate policy for future energy systems typically focus on the challenge to make them carbon neutral to avoid climate change.

31 July 2020

TU Delft research partner in innovative wind farm Hollandse Kust Noord

TU Delft research partner in innovative wind farm Hollandse Kust Noord

As the research partner in the so-called Hollandse Kust Noord (HKN) project, TU Delft is playing a significant role. Once the wind farm has been built, researchers, led by Professor Jan-Willem van Wingerden, will be able to test their findings regarding wind energy in practice, and the amount of energy generated by the wind farm will be maximised.

29 July 2020

TU Delft students reveal hidden inscriptions from NSB leader

TU Delft students reveal hidden inscriptions from NSB leader

Led by Professor Joris Dik, a group of TU Delft bachelor's students was able to discover the secrets of this part of the wall without damaging it. The students’ graduation thesis was published this week in academic journal Heritage Science.

17 July 2020

Physics course eases the transition to university for secondary school students

Physics course eases the transition to university for secondary school students

15 July 2020

In the mood for mud

In the mood for mud

As a biologist and soil scientist Julia Gebert often finds herself getting her hands dirty. With mud, that is. In the past two years she has many times boarded a small boat to cruise among the huge container ships in the port of Hamburg while collecting mud samples.

14 July 2020

Recycling ammonia from animal manure is a good idea

Recycling ammonia from animal manure is a good idea

Mahinder Ramdin has been granted 50,000 euros from NWO’s ‘Idea Generator’ programme for his out-of-the-box research idea ‘Recycling of ammonia from animal manure’.

13 July 2020

Never fall again thanks to backpack-like wearable robot

Never fall again thanks to backpack-like wearable robot

Balance aids currently used in daily life and rehabilitation clinics are helpful but far from perfect. Canes, walkers, crutches, and handrails modify posture and prevent the hands from being used during activities like opening doors, carrying shopping, or answering the telephone. Also more sophisticated tools like mobile bodyweight support systems or robotic gait trainers are bulky or can only be used in specific environments. Andrew Berry, Daniel Lemus and Saher Jabeen, researchers BioMechanical Engineering at TU Delft, led by Professor Heike Vallery, developed a backpack-like wearable robot to provide balance support during rehabilitation; the GyBAR. Fully contained within the backpack is a gyroscopic actuator – a spinning disc repositionable with electric motors – to provide hands-free balance support in multiple activities and environments. The results of the first experiments with human subjects and potential end-users have been published in Nature Scientific Reports.

13 July 2020

Year of the Lecturer 2020: a unique way to say ‘Thank you!’

Year of the Lecturer 2020: a unique way to say ‘Thank you!’

Because of the special period in recent months all TU Delft Lecturers have been put in the spotlight by the students.

13 July 2020

Open Science Awards for Joost de Winter and Pavlo Bazilinskyy

The Open Science Awards recognize researchers or research students who have used Open Science to make their research more accessible, transparent or reproducible.

08 July 2020

Year of the Lecturer 2020: A unique way of saying 'Thank you!'

Year of the Lecturer 2020: A unique way of saying 'Thank you!'

Changing 'the Lecturer of the Year elections' to 'The year of the Lecturer' and sending a nice thank you gift. What could it be?

02 July 2020

Mechanical engineering students design inventive pack dog

Mechanical engineering students design inventive pack dog

Parcel deliverers are faced with a challenge - partly due to the corona crisis - to deliver more and heavier parcels to people's homes. Our first-year students have a solution for this.

01 July 2020

Delft Technology Fellowship for Eline van der Kruk and Sabina Caneva

Delft Technology Fellowship for Eline van der Kruk and Sabina Caneva

More outstanding female academics with a tenure track position – that is one of TU Delft’s most important pillars. The Delft Technology Fellowship (DTF) was introduced to help achieve this aim. Eline van der Kruk and Sabina Caneva are two top-level scientists who have been given positions at the 3mE faculty. This year, eleven fellowships were granted.