Filter releases

Refresh behaviour in page module

Moving elements no longer reloads 'to top'

Flame rendering in cards and footer

Different crops of TU's flame icon in cards and footer

Improved Contrastmode

Minor changes to contrastmode

WCAG labeling

Adding labels in order to comply with WCAG

Combining metadata fields

Moved specific metadata fields to same tab

Mathematical formulas in RTE

LaTeX formulas in the text editor

Multirow grid

New multirow grid for overviews

Grid settings - Read more frame

Grid setting allowing readmore toggles


Contrastmode in order to comply with WCAG

Multiple paragraphs no longer necessary

Fix for profile information in e-service

Improved display of course information

Adjustments to displayed set of years

Improved publications import

More and in-depth publications import

Complete styling overhaul

Complete redesign of the TU staff pages

New element: Expertises

Fingerprints imported from Pure

New element: Prizes

Prizes and awards imported from Pure

New element: Media

Media imported from Pure

New element: Courses

Courses imported from Coursebase

New element: Publications

Publications imported from Pure