Filter releases

Tab frames

New, improved and definitive way of adding Tabs

Photogallery and references

Bugfix for photogallery not displaying all photos when used as a reference item

Caroussel and tabs

Bugfix for carousels not displaying content when in tabs

Multirow grid and equal heights

Bugfix for multirow grids not expanding to the correct height


Add additional context to your text

Categories as metadata

Adds categories as <meta> tags to the HTML for more in-depth analysis

First name indexation

First names are now searchable

RSS output

Added correct event labels in RSS output

Sorting of Lookup parameters

Manual sorting of lookup parameters

Tweaks of social media icons

Minor adjustments of media icons

Additional Facetstyling

New styling for facet buttons

Set elements within a grid to same height

Set same height for all elements within your grid

Image conversion to .webp

Decrease page loading times

Import Pure publications

Import publications directly from Pure, based on organisation, topic or group

Highlight element

Create extra focus on your content

Personal links from Pure on your staff page

Additional custom Pure links are now added to the automatic staff pages.

Card inheritance

Automatically fill a Card element with the metadata from the page you are linking to.

Background images on grids

Add a background image to your grid for more visual impact.