Julia Wenink

"What I actually wanted was a study combining biology, physics and mathematics."

Name: Julia Wenink
Third-year BSc student

"To complete a tough calculation is one thing, but to actually understand its biological significance is something else. In my experience, Nanobiology teaches you exactly that."

"At school I was very sure of my future plans: I wanted to study medicine. When I took a close look at the degree programmes on offer, however, I realised that medicine wasn’t a match for me. What I actually wanted was a study combining biology, physics and mathematics. At first this seemed like an impossible quest, but at the open day of the Erasmus Medical Centre I found the perfect match: Nanobiology. What I really like about the curriculum is the amount of biology and challenging mathematics. Programming and modelling are also recurring components throughout much of the course. Currently, I’m a third-year student taking a bridging programme for MSc Applied Physics. I’m very interested in the physics side of Nanobiology and would eventually like to move into the biophysics field.

One of the most valuable things about Nanobiology is the fact that you acquire knowledge in different scientific disciplines. To complete a tough calculation is one thing, but to actually understand its biological significance is something else. In my experience, Nanobiology teaches you exactly that."