Ali Sentissi

"I was interested in all science subjects, but unable to settle on any particular one."

Name: Ali Sentissi
Second-year BSc student

"This is a programme on which I get to dive into all the science subjects I’m interested in: physics, maths and biology, but also chemistry and computer science."

"While deciding what degree course to choose, I was told that not liking anything is no problem, but liking everything can become one. And that was exactly the issue I had before leaving Morocco, my home country, to come to study at Delft. I was interested in all science subjects, but unable to settle on any particular one. That was until I encountered Nanobiology.  This is a programme on which I get to dive into all the science subjects I’m interested in: physics, maths and biology, but also chemistry and computer science. However, covering a lot of different subjects like that also requires a lot of work and dedication to the course, which can be challenging. Most Nanobiology students are willing to face up to this challenge, which creates a really nice working environment with classmates always willing to help. In Nanobiology, it doesn’t matter that much whether you’re an international student or a Dutch one, as this is a small-scale programme. That helped put me at my ease very quickly."