ME PhD Development Cycle
Preparation PhD agreement (within the first 3 months of your PhD track)
- PhD agreement (within the first 3 months of your PhD track)
Informal 6 months progress meeting between 5-7 months you check with your supervisory team if you are still on track. If you are not on track this is the last moment before the Go No Go meeting to ask your supervisory team feedback for improvement. Note that during the Go No Go meeting there is no space to adjust and there is no conditional Go.
- Informal 6 months progress meeting between 5-7 months you ask your promotor(s) and supervisor(s) if you are still on the right track. and if not there is now still space to adjust it.
Note, during the Go No Go meeting there is no space to adjust and there is no conditional Go.
Doctoral Monitoring Application (DMA)
Go/No go meeting
Check first the Go / No Go reference card for the Go no Go timeline.
Your preparations before the Go No Go meeting (around 9 month after your start date)
- Announce to your promotor your go no go meeting must take place within the upcoming 3 months.
- Ask your promotor who your 3 committee members will be (the intended promotor cannot be a committee member as the promotor receives advice from the committee members). See the Go No Go form for detailed instructions on the regulations committee members.
- Contact your department secretary to organise the Go no Go meeting as she has access to all the agendas of the meeting members.
- Write a progress report based on the goals you needed to achieve formulated in your PhD agreement and should lead to the results you need to show during the Go No Go meeting.
- Fill out digitally the Go no Go form and print it out.
Actions after the Go No Go meeting
Send the signed Go No go form together with a signed Form A to the ME Graduateschool as a scanned file via e-mail to
When it is clear the PhD candidate has received a Go, not more than two weeks after the Go no Go meeting the Form A should be submitted. The Board of doctorates officially appoints the (co)promotors via the Form A.
- Promotor: has promotion right, the so called IUS promovendi, can grant the PhD candidate the doctor’s title= full professor (has automatically IUS promovendi)), or an associate professor who is granted IUS promovendi by the Board for Doctorates
- Copromotor: without promotion right, so without IUS promovendi= an assistant professor, or an associate professor without being granted IUS promovendi
IUS Promovendi
Full professors and doctors with the IUS promovendi have the right to promote PhD candidates i.e. grant them the title of doctor. External supervisors with the IUS Promovendi must attach proof that IUS Promovendi has been granted by the university they are currently employed at, e.g. a formal confirmation letter issue by the Board for Doctorates of said university.
Please add to form A the composition of the current supervisory team. The supervisory team should minimal exist out of one (intended) promotor with one or two supervisory team members.
Variations possible in Form A are:
- Promotor+ promotor
- Promotor+ copromotor
- Promotor+ promotor + copromotor
- Promotor+copromotor+copromotor
- In case the combination of the supervisory team deviates from the combinations mentioned above, the Form A must be accompanied by a separate statement in which the intended promotor indicates why for the exception was chosen.
- When the composition of the supervisory team is changed please send a new signed form A with the new composition of the supervisory team.
Yearly progress meeting
Yearly progress meeting should take place within 24 months, within 36 months and within 48 months when you are not ready with your PhD track.
When: At the end of each year (24, 36, 48 months)
Why: A yearly report on the progress of the doctoral candidate. There is a different form for each specific phase of the PhD trajectory.
- 24 months - Half-way point: time to look back and define the next steps
- 36 months - Finalizing the dissertation: making sure the thesis is complete within the next 12 months
- 48 months - Action needed! Obtaining your doctoral degree is taking longer than expected
Send the signed and correct yearly progress meeting form as a scanned file via e-mail to