
492 results

19 December 2022

EU Funds SeaClear2.0 for more underwater robots to collect heavier seafloor litter

EU Funds SeaClear2.0 for more underwater robots to collect heavier seafloor litter

Following the success of SeaClear1, which showed that a system of autonomous robots can detect and remove litter from the seafloor, the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme has awarded a second project, SeaClear2.0, nearly 8 million euros to extend the use of multiple robots working together to identify and collect even heavier objects from deeper seas.

15 December 2022

3mE wins both second and fourth place in Best Tech-idea 2022

3mE wins both second and fourth place in Best Tech-idea 2022

08 December 2022

Nastaran Barin has developed a promising tool for studying brain cancer mechanobiology

Nastaran Barin has developed a promising tool for studying brain cancer mechanobiology

Understanding the mechanobiology of glioma cells is of paramount importance for prospective treatment screening of this brain tumour. Nastaran Barin and Angelo Accard developed, in a joint effort with Erasmus MC, biomimetic 3D structures via two-photon polymerization and cultured therein patient derived glioma cells.

30 November 2022

Research from TU Delft in the Rijksmuseum

Research from TU Delft in the Rijksmuseum

A smart alternative to the traditional sandbag and an experiment with clay to learn more about strengthening dikes. These are two examples of TU Delft research that is currently being exhibited as art at the Rijksmuseum.

28 November 2022

Ruud Kortlever in various media

28 November 2022

Rudy Helmons in various media

22 November 2022

Saskia van Heumen TU Delft Best Graduate 2022

Saskia van Heumen TU Delft Best Graduate 2022

Saskia van Heumen has been voted TU Delft’s Best Graduate 2022 for her outstanding research on the use of LED photoacoustics in treating Lymphoedema.

22 November 2022

Saskia van Heumen: TU Delft Best Graduate 2022

Saskia van Heumen: TU Delft Best Graduate 2022

Today, at the TU Delft Best Graduate Award Ceremony 2022, eight recently graduated engineers presented their research and results of their excellent master thesis. Ir. Saskia van Heumen, graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE), received the prestigious title TU Delft Best Graduate 2022. For her graduation research, Saskia developed a method to accurately image lymphatic vessels in patients.

22 November 2022

ERC Starting Grant for Ali Akyildiz

ERC Starting Grant for Ali Akyildiz

The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Starting Grant to Ali Akyildiz. Akyildiz’s research focusses on cardiovascular biomechanics, specifically individual people’s susceptibility to cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, due to biomechanical failure in their blood vessels. This 1.5 million euros grant is to cover the costs of a five-year research programme, and is awarded to researchers who are at the start of their career, but have already excelled in a promising line of research.

22 November 2022

OpenSim Creator: Empowering biomedical research with biomechanical models wins CZI EOSS Award

OpenSim Creator: Empowering biomedical research with biomechanical models wins CZI EOSS Award

Ajay Seth has been awarded a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) grant of US$ 350,000 to develop his project, OpenSim Creator. This open-source biomechanical simulator will enable researchers worldwide to create accurate neuromuscular and musculoskeletal models within hours, enabling better and faster responses to biomedical questions about human and animal mobility.

17 November 2022

Electric technology to save energy in drying processes

Electric technology to save energy in drying processes

Scientists of TU Delft and four other Dutch universities join forces to save energy in drying processes. In the ELECTRIFIED project, the researchers will use the power of electricity and electrical fields to develop breakthrough technologies for large energy savings in industrial drying processes.

14 November 2022

Can robots invent tools like our ancient ancestors did?

Can robots invent tools like our ancient ancestors did?

How did ancient humans learn to make tools? And can we apply that knowledge to help AI-based robots learn creative skills? Carlos Hernandez Corbato and Geeske Langejans are heading up the TU Delft part of the multi-national METATOOL project, which is a unique combination of archaeology, neuroscience and robotics.

10 November 2022

Successful demo of long-range remotely-controlled vessels

Successful demo of long-range remotely-controlled vessels

The first fully-automated demo of AVATARs - autonomous emission-free waterways vessels - took place on the pond in front of the 3mE building. Three model-scaled vessels neatly demonstrated their manoeuvrability, precision controlled turning and steering capabilities thanks to long-range Wi-Fi and 4G communications and newly-developed AI directed collision-avoidance technology.

10 November 2022

Bart van Straten in various media

08 November 2022

Vacuuming-up rare metals from the deep sea floor

Vacuuming-up rare metals from the deep sea floor

At the bottom of the ocean lie lumps of valuable metals such as copper, manganese, nickel and cobalt - materials crucial to accelerating the energy transition. A collaboration between five European countries called ‘Blue Harvesting,’ has designed and now tested a new collector that can gather these nodules from the deep sea bottom with minimal disturbance to the natural environment.

31 October 2022

Ad van Wijk in various media

31 October 2022

David Abbink in various media

31 October 2022

Jan-Willem van Wingerden in various media

20 October 2022

Emission-free and circular shipping by improving the use of different battery systems

Emission-free and circular shipping by improving the use of different battery systems

The maritime sector needs batteries for the transition to zero-emission shipping. Different ships with different operational profiles may require different batteries. The NWO Executive Board has awarded funding to two research projects of maritime researchers Henk Polinder and Andrea Coraddu. Both will focus on improving the use of different battery systems. The awards involve a sum of 4.2 million euros.

30 September 2022

Drivers of automated vehicles are blamed for crashes that they cannot reasonably avoid

Drivers of automated vehicles are blamed for crashes that they cannot reasonably avoid

27 September 2022

Open Technology award for large-scale electrolysers

Open Technology award for large-scale electrolysers

NWO has awarded funding to six technology-science research projects from the Open Technology Programme. One of these is the e-HEAT project by researchers Jurriaan Peeters, Ruud Kortlever and Lorenzo Botto from the Process & Energy Department. In this project they are working on the development of large-scale CO2 electrolysers that enable large-scale energy storage on a seasonal time scale possible. The outcomes are expected to also benefit H2O electrolysers and fuel cells.

26 September 2022

Why do older adults stand-up differently to young adults?

Why do older adults stand-up differently to young adults?

26 September 2022

Bart De Schutter in various media

19 September 2022

TU Delft opens globally unique wind tunnel

TU Delft opens globally unique wind tunnel

Wind turbines are getting bigger and bigger and the wind speed is never the same on every part of the rotor – the rotating part of a wind turbine. That is why it is important to carry out experiments using non-uniform wind fields: fields in which the wind speed is not the same everywhere. With the opening of TU Delft’s Wind AI Lab – a globally unique wind tunnel – this will become possible.

13 September 2022

Paul Breedveld best lecturer of 2021 - 2022

Paul Breedveld best lecturer of 2021 - 2022

All students at the 3mE faculty were given the opportunity to vote for the best lecturer of 2021-2022. The votes are a token of their appreciation for the unique and creative way in which the lecturers concerned teach. Good lecturers are indispensable for the quality of 3mE’s programmes.

12 September 2022

Riender Happee appointed Professor in Motion Comfort in Automated Driving

Riender Happee appointed Professor in Motion Comfort in Automated Driving

Riender Happee has been appointed Professor in Motion Comfort in Automated Driving at the department of Cognitive Robotics, section Intelligent Vehicles. Happee’s research focuses on motion perception and motion comfort as key factors in the acceptance of vehicle automation.

06 September 2022

Did someone fall down the stairs or were they pushed? NFI and TU Delft are working on a model for complex falls

Did someone fall down the stairs or were they pushed? NFI and TU Delft are working on a model for complex falls

Did a person fall or was he or she pushed? Cases where a deceased person lies at the bottom of the stairs are complex. To aid detection, the NFI is working with TU Delft on a computer model that can simulate human falls.

01 September 2022

Alfred Schouten appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control

Alfred Schouten appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control

Alfred Schouten has been appointed professor of System Identification for Human Motion Control in the Department of BioMechanical Engineering. Alfred Schouten’s research focuses on the development of methods and applications for identifying and understanding neuromuscular control. He does this in both healthy people and people with neurological disorders.

30 August 2022

Gabriel Weymouth appointed professor of Ship Hydromechanics

Gabriel Weymouth appointed professor of Ship Hydromechanics

Gabriel Weymouth has been appointed Professor of Ship Hydromechanics at the department of Maritime and Transport Technology as of 1st of September. Weymouth's research focuses on the development of fast, accurate, and robust computational fluid dynamic predictions and application of those techniques to the marine and maritime environment.

25 August 2022

Sabina Caneva in various media

25 August 2022

Laurie van de Weerd en Nick van de Berg in various media

23 August 2022

Angelo Accardo in various media

28 July 2022

Gerard Verbiest in various media

18 July 2022

Liselore Tissen in various media

07 July 2022

Farewell Symposium Theun Baller

Farewell Symposium Theun Baller

After almost ten years, Theun Baller stepped down as 3mE Dean. Of course, we did not let him go without well-deserved recognition during his farewell symposium.

05 July 2022

Three Vidi’s for faculty 3mE

Three Vidi’s for faculty 3mE

The Dutch Research Council has awarded 101 experienced researchers a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros. Eight Vidis go to top researchers from Delft, of which no fewer than three researchers work at the 3mE faculty: Michael Wiertlewski, Willem Haverkort and Kim Batselier. The grant enables them to develop their own innovative line of research and set up their own research group in the coming five years.

04 July 2022

Rene Pecnik appointed Professor of Thermal and Fluids Engineering

Rene Pecnik appointed Professor of Thermal and Fluids Engineering

Rene Pecnik has been appointed Professor of Thermal and Fluids Engineering at the Process & Energy Department of the 3mE Faculty. Pecnik has a background in both fundamental research - specifically numerical analysis, fluid mechanics and turbulence - and applied research, having worked closely with companies specialised in gas turbine technology.

04 July 2022

Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani has been granted the European Control Award

Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani has been granted the European Control Award

Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani, associate professor at the Delft Center for Systems and Control, has been granted the 2022 European Control Award (ECA). This award is in recognition of Peyman’s fundamental contributions to “data-driven optimization and control, and distributional robust decision-making”.

01 July 2022

Vidi grants for eight leading TU Delft researchers

Vidi grants for eight leading TU Delft researchers

28 June 2022

The first Robotics Engineer graduated cum laude!