
498 results

13 December 2021

Ad van Wijk in various media

13 December 2021

Klaas Visser in various media

It looks like an old-fashioned steamboat with two tall chimneys. In reality, the 154-meter-long cargo ship SC Connector - with modern wind-powered propulsion - sails into the port of Rotterdam. "An important development."

09 December 2021

TU Delft to help green the maritime sector with SH2IPDRIVE

TU Delft to help green the maritime sector with SH2IPDRIVE

Twenty-five companies and knowledge institutes in the maritime industry have joined forces in SH2IPDRIVE: Sustainable Hydrogen Integrated Propulsion Drives. In this innovation programme, they will work together to make hydrogen shipping a reality.

09 December 2021

Tim Horeman in various media

06 December 2021

Richard Norte in various media

06 December 2021

Ivo Pothof in various media

06 December 2021

Burak Eral in various media

03 December 2021

Grip or slip; robots need a human sense of touch

Grip or slip; robots need a human sense of touch

How can humans instantly estimate the slipperiness of a surface and adjust their gripping, for instance when picking up a wet glass? Researchers have demonstrated that a (radial) strain of the skin of the fingertip is involved in the perception of slipperiness during initial contact. Robotics could use this information, for instance to improve prosthetics and grippers. The results will be published in PNAS.

30 November 2021

Mud research requires multidisciplinary approach

Mud research requires multidisciplinary approach

Mudnet, the Delft-based multidisciplinary team consisting of marine and civil engineers researching the properties of mud, won the NWO ‘Team Science Award’ this week. The team was praised for using a great diversity of expertise in subject.

30 November 2021

The formation of kidney stones on a microscale

The formation of kidney stones on a microscale

Researchers from TU Delft developed a method to watch the formation of kidney stones on a microscale, in a so called microfluidic platform. By slightly adjusting the pH and the concentration of specific minerals, the formation could be slowed down or inhibited completely. The research is now published in Biomicrofluidics.

24 November 2021

TU Delft creates one of the world’s most precise microchip sensors – thanks to a spiderweb

TU Delft creates one of the world’s most precise microchip sensors – thanks to a spiderweb

A team of researchers from TU Delft managed to design one of the world’s most precise microchip sensors; the device can function at room temperature – a ‘holy grail’ for quantum technologies and sensing.

23 November 2021

Arjo Loeve in various media

18 November 2021

Wiebren de Jong in various media

18 November 2021

David Abbink in various media

15 November 2021

NWO Open Competition Grant for Sabina Caneva

NWO Open Competition Grant for Sabina Caneva

In her research project ‘MechanoPore’ Sabina Caneva works on the development of programmable, shape-shifting DNA origami nanovalves for size-selective delivery of biomolecules across cell membranes. The NWO Domain Board Science has awarded Caneva for her research in the Open Competition Domain Science-XS.

11 November 2021

Peter Wellens in various media

11 November 2021

Jan-Willem van Wingerden in various media

08 November 2021

Gerjo van Osch in various media

08 November 2021

Jaap Harlaar in various media

TU Delft Master's students of Technical Medicine, under the supervision of Prof. Jaap Harlaar, want to develop a simple and relatively inexpensive ventilator as soon as possible.

28 October 2021

TU Delft and ITEC BV launch X.AL, the first Dutch Lab for Extreme Chip Assembly Technology

TU Delft and ITEC BV launch X.AL, the first Dutch Lab for Extreme Chip Assembly Technology

25 October 2021

Bart van Straten in various media

19 October 2021

NWO Open Competition Grant for Hanieh Bazyar

NWO Open Competition Grant for Hanieh Bazyar

Current membrane fabrication processes are not sustainable because they are energy-intensive and require hazardous solvents. We are all familiar with the concept of 3D printing as it has been used in various fields in the last decades. However, it couldn’t find its contribution yet to the big industry of polymeric membrane production. Hanieh Bazyar, Department of Process and Energy, received NWO Open Competition Grant for her research on next generation 3D printed separation membranes.

19 October 2021

David Fidalgo Domingos, Peter Meijers and Panagiota Atzampou in various media

15 October 2021

TU Delft on board the world largest crane vessel for exploring future Offshore Wind Turbines

TU Delft on board the world largest crane vessel for exploring future Offshore Wind Turbines

How do you install a wind turbine far out at sea when high waves and strong winds make its installation virtually impossible? With this question in mind, a team of researchers from TU Delft, in collaboration with Heerema Marine Contractors (HMC) and DOT B.V., boarded the world's largest crane vessel this week: Heerema's Sleipnir. As part of a major pioneering project, the FOX project, they are exploring floating wind turbine installation.

07 October 2021

Making surgical instruments from medical waste

Making surgical instruments from medical waste

In Dutch hospitals, over a million kilos of blue ‘wrapping paper’ is used each year to keep medical instruments sterile. After they have been used, they create an enormous mountain of waste. Researchers Tim Horeman and Bart van Straten devised a method to melt down this blue polypropylene wrapping paper and turn it into a new medical device.

07 October 2021

Joris Dik in various media

05 October 2021

Rubicon grant for Sebastien Callens

Rubicon grant for Sebastien Callens

Sebastien Callens, (former) researcher at the Department of BioMechanical Engineering in the field of biomaterials and bone implants, has received a Rubicon grant for a research stay abroad. He will be conducting research on bone mineralisation at Imperial College London. Callens is one of the 24 researchers who has received this grant from NWO.

04 October 2021

John van den Dobbelsteen in various media

23 September 2021

Smart optical and portable diagnostic system for schistosomiasis saves lives

Smart optical and portable diagnostic system for schistosomiasis saves lives

Temitope Agbana, PostDoc researcher at the Delft Center for Systems and Control department, together with a team of researchers, designed the Schistoscope; a smart method for early and easy detection of Bilharzia, a deadly tropical disease.

22 September 2021

Understanding human-robot interaction critical in design of rehabilitation systems

Understanding human-robot interaction critical in design of rehabilitation systems

Robotic body-weight support (BWS) devices can play a key role in helping people with neurological disorders to improve their walking. The team that developed the advanced body-weight support device RYSEN in 2018 has since gained more fundamental insight in BWS but also concludes that improvement in this field is necessary.

16 September 2021

Position paper: AI as an accelerator of the energy transition

Position paper: AI as an accelerator of the energy transition

Making a significant contribution to creating opportunities for a CO2-free energy system, this is what 150 representatives from the business community, knowledge institutions and government are working on within the Dutch AI Coalition. The Energy and Sustainability working group collaborated on the position paper 'AI as an accelerator of the energy transition', which sets out the opportunities for a CO2-free energy system. Researchers from TU Delft have made an active contribution to this agenda.

16 September 2021

Delft researchers unmask millions of unsafe face masks

Delft researchers unmask millions of unsafe face masks

At the request of medical professionals, researchers at TU Delft developed a test method to check whether imported face masks met the safety requirements. And that was necessary, as it turns out, because in total only one-third of the 140 million face masks tested in 19 hospitals passed the safety test.

14 September 2021

Mathias Peirlinck in various media

10 September 2021

TU Delft, NFI and police develop smart technique for forensic photography

TU Delft, NFI and police develop smart technique for forensic photography

Every trace or other piece of evidence at a crime scene has to be thoroughly examined. Traces that cannot be taken away or stored, such as blood spatters, is visualised with a ruler to indicate its size. TU Delft and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) have developed a new method for the police that will soon make the ruler obsolete and make it easier to measure all kinds of forensic evidence.

08 September 2021

Rudy Negenborn in various media

07 September 2021

Angelo Accardo has been awarded two NWO Open Competition Grants

Angelo Accardo has been awarded two NWO Open Competition Grants

Angelo Accardo, assistant professor at the Department of Precision and Microsystems Engineering (PME), has been awarded two NWO Open Competition Grants to address this need by developing 3D engineered cell micro-environments using light-assisted fabrication techniques.

02 September 2021

Peter Wellens best lecturer of the year 2020-2021

Peter Wellens best lecturer of the year 2020-2021

‘I don’t give instruction, I give feedback,’ says Peter Wellens. He has been elected best lecturer for the academic year 2020-2021 at the 3mE Faculty.

02 September 2021

Results election of the best lecturer 2020-2021

Results election of the best lecturer 2020-2021

All students from the 3mE Faculty had the opportunity to vote for the best lecturer of the academic year 2020-2021. This award allows them show their appreciation for these lecturers’ unique and creative teaching styles.

05 August 2021

Marco Reijne in various media

02 August 2021

Arend Schwab in various media