Novel hydrogen oxygen cycles
Very high cycle efficiencies (up to 85%!) can be achieved in power cycles by using both the hydrogen and oxygen that are produced by electrolysis of water. These significantly higher efficiencies than the current state of the art of LHV efficiencies of around 60% are achieved by an advanced integrated thermodynamic cycle consisting of a fuel cell, Brayton cycle and Rankine cycle using hydrogen an oxygen as an input and pure water as an output.
Example of 85+% power cycle using Solid Oxyde Fuel Cells and a combined Brayton/Rankine thermodynamic bottoming cycle. (From Schouten and Klein, 2020)
A potential application is large scale transportation like marine freight transport.
Schouten, B. and Klein, S.A. Hydrogen and oxygen fired turbine cycle optimization , ASME Turbo Expo 2020, GT 2020-14592
Kapoor, RR, & Klein, S. "Innovative Cycles for Industrial Combined Heat and Power Generation With Carbon Capture and Storage." Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. Volume 4: Cycle Innovations; Cycle Innovations: Energy Storage. Rotterdam, Netherlands. June 13–17, 2022. V004T06A008. ASME.