

EFPT students must do an internship worth 15 ECTS. This is equivalent to minimum 10.5 weeks of full time work. A longer internship is allowed, but students cannot earn additional credits in this way.

If you wish to advertise an internship project available at your company, please send a description of the project of approximately 1 A4 to It will then be posted on TU Delft’s internal digital environment where students can see it. During their internship, students are required to have a co-supervisor from the Process & Energy Department at TU Delft. This co-supervisor will review the proposed project for suitability (i.e. topical overlap with the EFPT track), oversee administrative processes on the university side, review the final report, and assign a pass/fail grade. The co-supervisor must be identified before the student can sign an internship contract.

Contracts: Since 2023, all Dutch Universities work with the UNL-Internship Agreement for all internships within the Netherlands. Students and staff do not sign any other contract. Please find more information regarding the UNL-Agreement on the internship website. After both the agreement and corresponding Annex are filled out and signed, the student can start the internship. For internships outside of the Netherlands, the Internship Application Form (from the same website) is used for registration of the internship within the university. The contract will be a two-party contract between the student and the company. TU Delft staff will not sign a three-party contract.

Result: The internship is completed when the student has finished the internship report. If desired, a presentation can be included in the requirements of the internship. A single grading rubric (Internship Assessment Form) must be completed by both the external supervisor and the TU Delft supervisor to grade the internship. TU Delft Internship reports are not published in an online repository.

MSc. theses

While the majority of EFPT students do their MSc. thesis project within the Process & Energy department, occasionally a student will do a thesis project in collaboration with an external organisation. An external thesis must always have a member of the Process & Energy teaching staff as co-supervisor. This staff member must agree to co-supervise prior to any student applying for the project. In other words, external organisations wishing to solicit students for projects must first approach an appropriate staff member. Once the external organisation and staff member have agreed on the contents of the project, the staff member will post a description of the project on the TU Delft’s internal digital environment. There it is visible to the students, who can then apply to the project. Students are not allowed to apply to external thesis projects that are not listed on the internal digital environment, since the involvement of P&E staff is essential.

If you represent a company or other external organisation and are looking for collaboration with a staff member, please have a look at our staff website.

The MSc. thesis projects is worth 45 ECTS (which includes the Literature Study of 10 ECTS). This is equivalent to roughly 7.5 months of fulltime work (excl. holidays).

Contracts: If a student is approved by both the external supervisor and the TU Delft supervisor, the UNL contract must be used between Company, student and TU Delft (see website)

Result: The MSc. thesis is concluded by a written report and a presentation with an oral defence. The thesis is published in the TU Delft online repository. In case of confidentiality, an embargo can be placed on this publication for 2 years.