Biomass Co-firing Project

A significant energy loss in alkaline water electrolysers, for green hydrogen production, is associated with gas bubbles. Even when the electrodes are placed directly on top of the membrane, in a so-called zero-gap configuration, gas bubbles can increase the resistance and reduce the energy efficiency. In this project we work together with industrial partners to test various types of zero-gap electrodes. A computational model is set up to be able to understand and further optimize their performance


Energy Technology

Involved People:
Dr. ir. J.W. Haverkort (TUD)
Dr. Araz Sheibani Aghdam (TUD)
Dr. Nico Valle (TUD)
Ir. Emile Craye
Magneto, Veco, Thyssenkrupp (DE)
RWThAachen University (DE)

Facilities used: