News and agenda

16 February 2023

The Ship Hydromechanics lab welcomes the upgraded Wave-Flume Tank

The Ship Hydromechanics lab welcomes the upgraded Wave-Flume Tank

A number of internal relocations have taken place in the 3mE building the past year and one of them was the relocation of the Wave-Flume Tank. The tank has been moved from building section J to the API hall nearby in Leeghwaterstraat to create space for projects being conducted in the Fluid Mechanics Lab. The Wave-Flume Tank has returned home: at the Ship Hydromechanics Lab.

02 February 2023

Lorenzo Botto has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept grant

Lorenzo Botto has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept grant

His research is based on a previous ERC grant on graphene nanoparticles, in which centrifugation was used to sort particles by size classes.

30 January 2023

NWO-xs grant for new ‘Green’ way to produce Ammonia

NWO-xs grant for new ‘Green’ way to produce Ammonia

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Mahinder Ramdin (P&E) an NWO-xs grant for his ‘Green Ammonia Production’ project, GAPLiC. Ammonia is important in the production of fertiliser, and therefore mass food production, but the current ammonia production process consumes enormous amounts of energy - 1% of all the energy produced globally.

22 December 2022

Willem Haverkort in various media

22 December 2022

Burak Eral in various media

15 December 2022

3mE wins both second and fourth place in Best Tech-idea 2022

3mE wins both second and fourth place in Best Tech-idea 2022

28 November 2022

Ruud Kortlever in various media

17 November 2022

Electric technology to save energy in drying processes

Electric technology to save energy in drying processes

Scientists of TU Delft and four other Dutch universities join forces to save energy in drying processes. In the ELECTRIFIED project, the researchers will use the power of electricity and electrical fields to develop breakthrough technologies for large energy savings in industrial drying processes.

31 October 2022

Ad van Wijk in various media

27 September 2022

Open Technology award for large-scale electrolysers

Open Technology award for large-scale electrolysers

NWO has awarded funding to six technology-science research projects from the Open Technology Programme. One of these is the e-HEAT project by researchers Jurriaan Peeters, Ruud Kortlever and Lorenzo Botto from the Process & Energy Department. In this project they are working on the development of large-scale CO2 electrolysers that enable large-scale energy storage on a seasonal time scale possible. The outcomes are expected to also benefit H2O electrolysers and fuel cells.