- Nederlandse Vereniging van Posttraumatische Dystrofiepatienten, June 2006 (in Dtuch). Ontroerd door...wetenschappelijk onderzoek
- Delft Outlook, February, 2006. The black box of a mysterious disorder
- Tubantia op zondag, April 24, 2005 (in Dutch). Een robot met zenuwen
- Telegraaf, April 9, 2005 (in Dutch). Delft spant de spieren
- Delft Integraal, April 2005 (in Dutch). Pijnbestrijding met meet- en regeltechniek
- Delta, October 10, 2002 (in Dutch). Delftenaren leggen vinger op 'Parkinsonreflex'
Books and PhD theses
Journal articles
- Mugge W, Abbink DA, Schouten AC, Dewald JPA, van der Helm FCT (2009) A rigorous model of reflex function indicates that position and force feedback are flexibly tuned to position and force tasks. Exp Brain Res: online first
- Meskers CGM, Schouten AC, de Groot JH, de Vlugt E, van Hilten JJ, van der Helm FCT, Arendzen JH (2009) Muscle weakness and lack of reflex gain adaptation predominate during post-stroke posture control of the wrist. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 6:29.
- Mugge W, Schuurmans J, Schouten AC, van der Helm FCT (2009) Sensory weighting of force and position feedback in human motor control tasks. Journal of Neuroscience 29:5476-5482.
- Happee R, de Vlugt E, Schouten AC (2009) Posture Maintenance of the Human Upper Extremity; Identification of Intrinsic and Reflex Based Contributions. SAE Int J of Pass Cars - Mech Sys 1:1125-1135.
- Schuurmans J, de Vlugt E, Schouten AC, Meskers CGM, de Groot JH, van der Helm FCT (2009). The monosynaptic Ia afferent pathway can largely explain the stretch duration effect of the long latency M2 response. Exp Brain Res 193:491-500.
- Kwakkel G, Meskers CGM, van Wegen EE, Lankhorst GJ, Geurts ACH, van Kuijk AA, Lindeman E, Visser-Meily A, de Vlugt E, Arendzen JH (2008) Impact of early applied upper limb stimulation: The EXPLICIT-stroke programme design more options. BMC Neurology 8:49.
- Schouten AC, Mugge W, Van der Helm FCT (2008) NMClab, a model to assess the contributions of muscle visco-elasticity and afferent feedback to joint dynamics. J Biomech 41:1659–1667.
- Schouten AC, De Vlugt E, Van der Helm FCT (2008) Design of perturbation signals for the estimation of proprioceptive reflexes. IEEE trans Biomed Eng 55:1612-1619.
- Schouten AC, De Vlugt E, Van Hilten JJ, Van der Helm FCT (2008) Quantifying proprioceptive reflexes during position control of the human arm. IEEE trans Biomed Eng 55:311-321.
- Van der Kooij H, De Vlugt E (2007) Postural responses evoked by platform perturbations are dominated by continuous feedback. J Neurophysiol 98:730-743.
- Stienen AHA, Schouten AC, Schuurmans J, Van der Helm FCT (2007) Analysis of reflex modulation with a biologically realistic neural network. J Comput Neurosci 23: 333-348.
- Schouten AC, de Vlugt E, van Hilten JJ, van der Helm FCT (2006) Design of a torque-controlled manipulator to analyse the admittance of the wrist joint. J Neurosci Methods 154:134-141.
- de Vlugt E, Schouten AC, van der Helm FCT (2006) Quantification of intrinsic and reflexive properties during multijoint arm posture. J Neurosci Methods 155:328-349.
- Schouten AC, Van de Beek WJ, Van Hilten JJ, Van der Helm FCT (2003) Proprioceptive reflexes in patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Exp Brain Res 151:1-8.
- de Vlugt E, Schouten AC, van der Helm FCT (2003) Closed-loop multivariable system identification for the characterization of the dynamic arm compliance using continuous force disturbances: a model study. J Neurosci Methods 122:123-140.
- de Vlugt E, Schouten AC, van der Helm FCT, Teerhuis PC, Brouwn GG (2003) A force-controlled planar haptic device for movement control analysis of the human arm. J Neurosci Methods 129:151-168.
- van der Helm FCT, Schouten AC, de Vlugt E, Brouwn GG (2002) Identification of intrinsic and reflexive components of human arm dynamics during postural control. J Neurosci Methods 119:1-14.
- de Vlugt E, Schouten AC, van der Helm FCT (2002) Adaptation of reflexive feedback during arm posture to different environments. Biol Cybern 87:10-26.
- Schouten AC, de Vlugt E, van der Helm FCT, Brouwn GG (2001) Optimal posture control of a musculo-skeletal arm model. Biol Cybern 84:143-152.
- de Vlugt E, van der Helm FCT, Schouten AC, Brouwn GG (2001) Analysis of the reflexive feedback control loop during posture maintenance. Biol Cybern 84:133-141.
Theses and reports
MSc theses and BSc final reports are located in the education section.