Open Access publishing

Open access at TU Delft

The idea behind open access is the unlimited sharing and reuse of publications. This is done by making the research results accessible free of charge. As a researcher you have benefits when publishing in open access: more visibility for your publication, reuse of your work, wider distribution to peers and a higher chance of citation. The TU Delft Open Access policy stipulates that you as an author must deposit an open access version of your article in the TU Delft Repository.

The objectives for Open Access are part of the Open Science 2020-2024 Strategic Plan. TU Delft Library successfully develops in collaboration with researchers, board members, financiers and publishers instruments that make open access publishing possible. In addition to the publishing agreements, these are:

Open Access agreements

TU Delft Library has many bilateral and national agreements with publishers that ensure that you, as a researcher, do not incur publication costs and that you meet with the requirements of your financier. Detailed information about the national agreements can be found on

On the UKB Journal Browser you can directly detect in which journal you can publish open access at no costs. Many researchers use allready the publishing agreements. In 2023, TU Delft published 99% of all peer reviewed articles open access.

Do these agreements not offer you the possibility to publish your publication open access? TU Delft Library can help you by paying (part of) the costs from the Open Access Fund, which has existed since 2008.

Research funders and grant conditions

Important Funders such as NWO, ERC and the European Union demand that open access should be published by their funded research. These requirements have been tightened by Plan-S from 2021 onwards Important open access sources.

Important open access sources

  • TU Delft repository – 144.000 publications
  • DOAJ – quality platform that includes 20.500 journals
  • DOAB – quality platform with access to 82,600 scientific open access books
  • Netherlands Research Portal – national platform with access to open access publications and data from Dutch Universities and research institutions (formerly Narcis)
  • OpenAire – European science platform with access to 73 million open access publications
  • CORE is the world largest collection of 297 million open access publications from 11.000 data providers
  • Unpaywall – will show you after installation direct sight on 50,5 million open acces articles from 50.000 sources
  • ArXiv  –  is the largest source of pre-prints from natural scientists with 2,4 million publications. TU Delft is an official sponsor of ArXiv 
  • EngrXiv, preprint platform of engineering. TU Delft is an official sponsor of EngrXiv


More information and contact

Do you have any questions or would you like to know more? Contact via