
TUDelft Forensics offers the following services for:

For Companies, governments or other people who need help with questions regarding methods and techniques for forensic engineering, forensic investigations or other expert knowledge: Check the “Coordinators” and “Research” pages to find specialist in the fields that you are looking for. These coordinators can help you find the right people or departments. The possibilities for consultancy, long term research or students projects are numerous!

For Scientists from inside and outside TU Delft interested in forensic topics or looking to collaborate: Check the “Coordinators” and “Research” pages to find a perfect match. Several projects of community members of TU Delft forensics are highlighted on the “Research” pages.

For Students: information regarding forensic courses taught at TU Delft can be found on our “Courses” page. Also, you can regularly find exciting graduation assignments related to forensics by finding the personal or lab webpages of the TU Delft Forensics coordinators, or by contacting lecturers of relevant forensic courses or researchers working on forensic research.