Forensic Research ME - Mechanical Engineering

Forensic Focus

Researching the biomechanics behind injuries, investigating and improving crime scene and evidence investigation methods, and developing novel technology for collecting evidence.


Special scanners that discovered hidden layers behind famous paintings were helped being developed here. When healthcare technology malfunctions and causes patients infections, ME scientists conduct forensic engineering investigations, hoping to find the cause and improve other medical device designs as well. We study the biomechanics behind injuries so that when a victim is found, the cause of their injury of death can be determined. And when police officers take nail samples from murder victims or photograph evidence at a crime scene, they will soon be using a device developed at ME.

Coordinator A.J. Loeve

+31 15 27 82977
Mekelweg 2
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Room: 34.F-0-200
Coordinator A.J. Loeve

+31 15 27 82977
Mekelweg 2
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Room: 34.F-0-200