Latest News

15 November 2023

More efficient electrodes for CO2 recycling

More efficient electrodes for CO2 recycling

CO2 electrolysis is a promising way to store energy whilst recycling carbon dioxide. By applying electricity, CO2 and water react and produce more complex molecules. A study published in Nature Communications lead by Hugo van Montfort at TU Delft has presented a new design of electrodes that improves the efficiency of CO2 electrolysis.

10 November 2023

Talieh Ghiasi wins Minerva Prize 2023

Talieh Ghiasi wins Minerva Prize 2023

09 November 2023

Is Safety Culture a Matter for the Workplace, Not Science?

Is Safety Culture a Matter for the Workplace, Not Science?

07 November 2023

Safe and affordable red blood cells without donors

Safe and affordable red blood cells without donors

The production of cultured red blood cells (cRBCs) holds the promise of being a potentially unlimited source of cells that could meet the increasing demand for red blood cell transfusions.

02 November 2023

NAE appoints Paulien Herder, Mark van Loosdrecht and Andrea Ramirez Ramirez as NAE Fellows

NAE appoints Paulien Herder, Mark van Loosdrecht and Andrea Ramirez Ramirez as NAE Fellows

The Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE) appoints 62 top experts as NAE Fellow, including professors Paulien Herder (and dean), Mark van Loosdrecht and Andrea Ramirez Ramirez of the faculty of Applied Sciences. In total, 11 of the 62 experts are employed at TU Delft. President and Rector Magnificus of the TU Delft, Tim van der Hagen, is also one of these experts.

02 November 2023

TU Delft researchers discover new ultra strong material for microchip sensors

TU Delft researchers discover new ultra strong material for microchip sensors

A material that doesn't just rival the strength of diamonds and graphene, but boasts a yield strength 10 times greater than Kevlar, renowned for its use in bulletproof vests.

30 October 2023

GUSTO arrived on Antarctica

GUSTO arrived on Antarctica

NASA’s GUSTO balloon observatory has arrived on Antarctica onboard the Wallops C-130 airplane. It is scheduled for launch around the 15th of December. GUSTO is equipped with three 8-pixel far-infrared cameras delivered by SRON and TU Delft and will carry out the first large-scale survey with velocity-resolved imaging of the spectral lines emitted by three cosmic elements between stars.

26 October 2023

Controlling waves in magnets with superconductors for the first time

Controlling waves in magnets with superconductors for the first time

Quantum physicists at Delft University of Technology have shown that it’s possible to control and manipulate spin waves on a chip using superconductors for the first time. These tiny waves in magnets may offer an alternative to electronics in the future, interesting for energy-efficient information technology or connecting pieces in a quantum computer, for example.

26 October 2023

DNA Origami nanoturbine sets new horizon for nanomotors

DNA Origami nanoturbine sets new horizon for nanomotors

23 October 2023

Kagome: promising quantum material to study superconductivity

Kagome: promising quantum material to study superconductivity

Quantum scientists from the Ali Lab at Delft University of Technology and their collaborators from the Max Plank Institute of Microstructure Physics, University of California Santa Barbara, and others, have found proximity–induced superconductivity with strong magnetic field direction dependence and a signal of edge supercurrent inside a Kagome metal. The study, published in Science Advances, shows the promising properties of Kagome metals to investigate unconventional superconductivity and Josephson devices.

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