prof. dr. Catherine (Katia) Pappas
Katia joined 2009 Delft University of Technology to lead the section Neutron and Positron Methods in Materials (NPM2), within the Faculty of Applied Sciences. Her field of expertise is in neutron scattering science and techniques, with focus on high-resolution (neutron spin echo) spectroscopy and polarized neutrons. Besides neutron instrumentation, her scientific interests are in the field of magnetism and chiral magnetism, and the topical field of skyrmions.
Before Delft Katia spent several years at the Hahn-Meitner Institute – nowadays Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin – where she was involved in numerous large scale neutron instrumentation projects. She was deputy director of the Berlin Neutron Scattering Center and head of the "Neutron Instruments and Methods" department. Once in Delft, she was again the initiator of several big instrumentation projects, such as the neutron powder diffractometer PEARL or the multipurpose instrument LARMOR, a Dutch-UK collaboration, which is being built at the UK neutron source ISIS and is supported by a NWO-Groot grant.
prof.dr. Katia Pappas
Neutron & Positron Methods for Materials
- +31 (0)15 27 84597
Mekelweg 15
2629 JB Delft
The Netherlands