418 results

18 July 2018

Veni for four researchers of AS

NWO has announced the Veni recipients for 2018. Amongst them are four researchers from the faculty of Applied Sciences: Jeremy Brown (RST), Zoltán Perkó (RST), Georgy Filonenko (ChemE) and Carlas Smith (ImPhys). The Veni grants allow researchers who have recently obtained their PhD to conduct independent research and develop their ideas for a period of three years.

18 July 2018

Erasmus student Andrei Stefancu joined our group

Erasmus student Andrei Stefancu joined our group

We welcome Erasmus student Andrei Stefancu, Medical Physics student from Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. During his summer research internship he will work on optical tomographic imaging of tissue biopsies. His supervisors are Jos van Rooij and Jeroen Kalkman.

17 July 2018

Publication Marco Mout, Florian Bociort and Paul Urbach highlighted in "Journal of the Optical Society of America A"

Publication Marco Mout, Florian Bociort and Paul Urbach highlighted in "Journal of the Optical Society of America A"

The publication entitled "Ray-based method for simulating cascaded diffraction in high NA systems", published in Journal of the Optical Society of America A, has been highlighted as an Editor's Pick.

17 July 2018

Xin Meng joined our group as PhD student

Xin Meng joined our group as PhD student

Xin Meng is joining the lab of Daan Brinks as a PhD student. He'll work on instrument and method development for new voltage imaging modalities.

18 June 2018

Jelle van der Horst successfully defended his PhD thesis

Jelle van der Horst successfully defended his PhD thesis

On June 14th, 2018 Jelle van der Horst successfully defended his PhD thesis on “High-resolution deep-tissue quantitative optical tomography”

15 June 2018

Zebrafish through the eyes of a new optical technique by Jelle van der Horst

Zebrafish through the eyes of a new optical technique by Jelle van der Horst

This technique can make small creatures and biopsies transparent. The unique optics developed by PhD candidate Jelle van der Horst can look through 4 mm of tissue with infrared light.

08 June 2018

Vidi grant for Rik Vos

Vidi grant for Rik Vos

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded Rik Vos a Vidi grant worth EUR 800,000. A Vidi grant enables the researchers to set up their own research group to develop their own innovative line of research. 

07 June 2018

Zebrafish work Elizabeth Carroll and colleagues published in Nature Chemical Biology

Zebrafish work Elizabeth Carroll and colleagues published in Nature Chemical Biology

Elizabeth Carroll and colleagues from UC Berkeley have published an article in Nature Chemical Biology which links elemental copper in the brain to regulation of sleep. Copper distributions in the brain of zebrafish were measured using laser-assisted mass spectrometry.

25 May 2018

Martin Verweij joined trade mission to India

Martin Verweij joined trade mission to India

Martin Verweij joined the trade mission to India (May 22-25). Accompanied by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, the delegation visited Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. The mission focused on maritime trade, agrifood, ICT, life sciences & health, and smart cities.

23 May 2018

Eric Verschuur starring on Dutch Television

Eric Verschuur starring on Dutch Television

Eric Verschuur provided support to the Dutch tv-program "De Proefkeuken". They have visited the anechoic chamber for their program on how to build a speaker.


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