Quantum Technology
The powerful capability of quantum computers to process and transmit information exponentially fast via the quantum internet would support many revolutionary applications. Examples are un-hackable communication, secure access to quantum computers in the cloud, and the development of new materials for a sustainable future. Although we do not yet know exactly how and when, there is no doubt that the quantum information era will have a profound impact on our world. In such a fast-paced context, we support the creation of a radically different society and economy in which quantum mechanics processes will support or solve many different challenges, from medical, chemical and materials, to complex systems, such as the financial world.
Skills and competencies in critical areas
We educate and inform professionals on quantum technology and its applications – enabling them to understand and use this cutting-edge technology to solve a wide variety of problems – focusing on critical areas such as:
- Use of quantum technology in specialized industry sectors, to envision how quantum-enabled research revolutionizes traditional scientific approaches and accelerates problem solving, including how derived applications benefit industry. For example, in physics, quantum technologies can simulate complex systems, revealing new phenomena, while in chemistry, quantum computing can model molecular interactions with unprecedented accuracy, driving innovations in materials science.
- Next-generation security applications, to understand how quantum technology may revolutionise security applications in multiple aspects. And how to create secure communication channels using the unique properties of quantum states – making data impenetrable to traditional hacking methods. Additionally, applying quantum-resistant algorithms to fortify current systems against future threats.
- AI and Big Data by quantum, to delve into how AI and Big Data powered by quantum technology revolutionizes computing and opens new frontiers in optimization, machine learning, and data analysis, whilst understanding the implications for industrial and scientific research.
For whom
Our courses and programmes are specifically tailored for innovative professionals and specialists, who wish to build their knowledge of quantum technology and the quantum internet. They explore applications in quantum chemistry, quantum machine learning, encryption and secure communication, factorization, and blind quantum computation.
These are also of value to other interested professionals such as policy makers and social entrepreneurs.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Our courses and programmes are aligned with several of the UN SDGs. By equipping learners with the necessary knowledge and skills, we aim to accelerate the positive impact individuals and organisations can have on the challenges we collectively face. Our Quantum Technology portfolio contributes to the goal below.