VitaminX: Summer Masterclasses

05 June 2024 22:55 till 31 August 2024 23:55 - By: Communication | Add to my calendar

This summer, we bring you one-day masterclasses. Make your own vase within a day during the Ceramics masterclass or become a dancing miracle, as you can join various dance masterclasses. Channel your inner Madhuri Dixit during a Bollywood masterclass, shake those hips to the inviting rhythm of the Hiphop crash course, go more classy with the Paso Doble masterclass or imagine yourself at the magical Moulin Rouge during the Burlesque masterclass. Choose the style that suits you best or leave your comfort zone and choose something out of the ordinary instead!

The masterclasses are one day courses. Visit the webshop for more information about the prices. All masterclasses take place only once, so make sure to enrol in time! Enrolment is possible in the webshop.



During the masterclass, you can immerse yourself in the world of Paso Doble. This masterclass is specifically designed for students who are eager to master the dynamic and expressive art of Paso Doble.

We will explore the history and unique stylistic elements of Paso Doble. Learn foundational steps, posture and dramatic poses essential to performing this dance. Our instructors will guide you through the technical aspects and the artistic expression required to bring this dance to life. This class is aimed at beginners and offers a fun and challenging way to enhance your dance skills.

The Paso Doble is a Spanish dance that is also counted among the Latin American dances. This ballroom dance depicts bullfighting, where the man plays the role of bullfighter or torero and the lady is la capa (the red cape) who has to chase the bull. The man ‘swings’ the lady around as if she were that red cape. Paso Doble literally means double stride and is a dance filled with passion and intensity. 

The Paso Doble is danced to the appropriate music with a rhythm of 60 to 62 bars per minute. The music is characterised by highlights: accents in the music that require the dancing couple to adopt a fixed position in their dance programme.