Wind Energy Lecture: Control Co-Design: A game changer?

10 September 2024 12:30 till 13:30 - Location: TUD fac ME Hall D | Add to my calendar

On behalf of Sebastiaan Mulders, the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute cordially invites you for a lunch lecture on Tuesday 10 September at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering:

Control Co-Design: A game changer?

By Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuel Pusch, Professor in Control Engineering and Flight System Dynamics at Dept. of Mechanical, Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering at Munich University of Applied Sciences

As complex systems like modern wind energy systems evolve, the traditional separation between system design and control design becomes increasingly inadequate. Control Co-Design (CCD) emerges as a crucial approach, where these processes are integrated from the outset to address the coupled dynamics inherent in such systems.

This talk reviews the latest advancements in CCD for dynamical systems, offering insights into how control functions can be seamlessly incorporated into overall system design. An overview of formulating and solving corresponding optimization problems is given with the goal to find an optimal balance between competing objectives under the presence of constraints. Through examples, the talk will explore the tangible benefits of CCD while also addressing the challenges and limitations that accompany this integrated approach. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of why Control Co-Design is not just a theoretical concept, but a practical necessity for the future of engineering.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuel Pusch received his diploma in aerospace engineering from the Technical University of Munich and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Hamburg in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

Before joining Munich University of Applied Sciences as a professor in control engineering, he was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Colorado Boulder with Prof. Lucy Pao. His research focuses on modeling, control, and optimization of extreme scale and highly flexible structures such as wind energy systems and flight systems.


Date              Tuesday 10 September 2024
Time              12h30 – 13h30 (vegan lunch is included*); lecture at 12h45
Location         Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU Delft
                      ME-Lecture Hall D - James Watt, 34.A-0-520, Mekelweg 2

*) this event is free of charge, but to prevent food waste, no-shows are not appreciated

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