Film screening & debate: Reporting the delta

13 June 2024 16:00 till 18:30 - Location: Berlage Room 1 - By: Communicatie BK | Add to my calendar

On 13 June, the conclusive event of the itinerant film club 'Reporting the delta' will take place.

The project Reporting space, time and everyday life in the Delta investigates the natural, social, and spatial transitions of the Netherlands before and after the execution of the Delta Works by means of motion pictures.

The documentaries of this screening "Reporting the delta" call attention to the act of reporting through motion: a powerful instrument to depict reality as the interaction between people, places, and technology.


16.00 - pasts and futures of Reporting the delta, Luca Iuorio

16.15 - intro and screening of Stroom, 2005 and De Rijn van Lobith tot aan zee, 2007 by Jord den Hollander

17.30 - debate with Dirk Sijmons  [H+N+S] and Jord den Hollander [film director, AFFR] moderated by Luca Iuorio and Sophia Arbara

18.30 - drinks