Webinar Remote Teaching | Getting a BOLD Edge: Student Readiness for Learning in a Digital World | 13 April
13 April 2022 10:00 till 11:00 - Location: Online - By: Teaching Academy | Add to my calendar
This webinar reports why learning how to learn online is now a crucial life skill and cannot be left to chance. It outlines what we know from the research on student readiness for successfully engaging in new forms of blended, on-line and digital (BOLD) learning and shares an innovative effort to help give learners a digital edge for their study. The basic thesis woven throughout the talk is that we can learn a lot on how to design our courses and what it really means to be a BOLD learner by taking more time and creating opportunities to listen to the “voice” of learners.
Student Readiness is a focus in the DigitTeL Pro project in collaboration with the 3 courses: 'Synchronous Hybrid', 'Blended' and 'Online Distance'.
If you are interested in DigiTeL Pro or the courses, the presentation slides of the launch session in November 2021 are available, including the full launch recording:
- Introduction CPD and DigiTeL Pro by George Ubachs (EADTU – European Association for Distance and Teaching Universities)
- Student Readiness for Digital Education by Mark Brown (DCU – Dublin City University)
- Synchronous Hybrid Education by Marieke Pieters (KU Leuven – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- Blended Education by Naomi Wahls (TU Delft – Delft University of Technology)
- Online Distance Education by Albert Sangrà (UOC – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).
Future webinars will be announced once the titles and descriptions are finalized. If you have a topic that you would like us to cover, please email Naomi directly: n.l.wahls@tudelft.nl.
- Join the weekly webinars via MS Teams group