Sustainable Healthcare Challenge

05 February 2024 12:00 till 17:30 - Location: Aula, TU Delft | Add to my calendar

This event is part of the TU Delft Health month & Slimme Zorgestafette

Are you a (medical) expert with innovative ideas on sustainable healthcare that you would like to share with Delft engineers?

We would like to invite you to the Sustainable Healthcare Challenge. During this event, TU Delft brings together medical professionals, experts from various fields and policymakers to jointly tackle key sustainable healthcare issues. Multidisciplinary teams delve into specific topics during this challenge to present their initial project proposals at the end of the process.

The teams judged best by an expert jury will not only claim research funding, but will also have the opportunity to build a valuable collaboration to further develop their sustainable solution. A prize pool of up to 50,000 euros is ready to be distributed to the most promising teams. Before taking on the challenge, you will have the opportunity to gain valuable insights and knowledge from experts in the fields of sustainability in healthcare, technology and journalism.

Don't miss this unique opportunity and join the movement towards sustainable healthcare!

Registration & more information on the programme  here

RSVP by 2 February to confirm your attendance. We look forward to your participation in this important initiative.