ImPhys Colloquium | Emmanuel Bossy

08 June 2023 11:45 till 12:45 - Location: Classroom 1 (F205) | Add to my calendar


Title: Some unconventional approaches in photoacoustic imaging

In the first part of the talk, I will introduce the principles of biomedical photoacoustic imaging, an optical imaging modality that relies on the detection of acoustic waves. More specifically, I will describe the acoustic-resolution and the optical-resolution approaches, each associated to different biologically relevant situations, and discuss their advantages and limitations. In the second part of the talk, I will present some unconventional approaches developed in our laboratory, designed to go beyond some of the limitations of the more conventional approaches presented in the first part. In the acoustic-resolution regimes, I will discuss how blood flow may be exploited to both go beyond the acoustic diffraction limit and palliate limited-view visibility artefacts. In the optical-resolution regime, I will illustrate how photoacoustic microendoscopy may be performed through minimally invasive multimode fibers.

Emmanuel Bossy

  • Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy)
    CNRS - Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France