News & Calendar

20 June 2022

Aad Correljé op Algemeen Nieuwsbreak over Gasnoodplan Duitsland

Aad Correljé op Algemeen Nieuwsbreak over Gasnoodplan Duitsland

Sinds deze week levert de Nord Stream 1-pijpleiding nog maar 40 procent van de normale hoeveelheid. Zo'n 40 procent van al het gas dat Europa importeert komt via Nord Stream 1 uit Rusland aan in Duitsland, waarvandaan het verder wordt gevoerd. "Ik denk dat dit een kantelpunt is", zegt energiespecialist Aad Correljé.

16 June 2022

3mE student wins prize for best master thesis at the Energy Challenge Event

3mE student wins prize for best master thesis at the Energy Challenge Event

On June 9, the TU Delft campus was buzzing with students' ideas about the future of energy transition. All faculties nominated their most appealing course from the faculty to the Energy Challenge Event to present their solution for the energy transition. Of all master students, Bart Boons won the prize with his master thesis about system integration of a high pressure alkaline electrolyser.

16 June 2022

Mechanical Engineering students create design for energy extraction and storage from waves

Mechanical Engineering students create design for energy extraction and storage from waves

By 2050, the energy supply in the Netherlands will have to be almost entirely sustainable. In addition to energy extraction from natural sources, energy storage is still a major challenge. Is there a technical solution for simultaneous extraction and storage? More than 500 first-year students from TU Delft’s Mechanical Engineering programme worked for six months on a wave energy accumulator, which converts the energy from the movement of waves into the rotational energy of a flywheel. The design that performed best technically was given an award during the Design Competition on 9 June 2022.

14 June 2022

Vordering ‘slim én duurzaam’

Vordering ‘slim én duurzaam’

In 2018 publiceerden twintig transportorganisaties en kennisinstellingen samen het actieplan ‘Slim en duurzaam’ om de CO2-uitstoot van de luchtvaart te reduceren. Daarna volgden twee aanvullingen om inzicht te geven in activiteiten en behaalde resultaten. Vandaag is er een derde actualisatie beschikbaar die de huidige stand van zaken weergeeft.

13 June 2022

TU Delft researchers develop model for green, energy independent Europe

TU Delft researchers develop model for green, energy independent Europe

Researchers from ETH Zurich and TU Delft have developed a model to generate hundreds of ways in which Europe’s energy system can become green and self-sufficient by 2050.