Quantum Circuits, Architectures and Technology
The Quantum Circuits, Architectures and Technology (QCAT) section is part of the Department of Quantum and Computing Engineering within the EEMCS faculty of Delft University of Technology.
From both an educational and research perspective, we address the engineering challenges in quantum-enabled systems and applications. The aim is to bring quantum technologies out of the research labs into the field, to enable them to tackle relevant societal challenges.
The main application domains are quantum computing and quantum sensing. In those domains, we strive to address the engineering challenges over the full stack, at different abstraction levels and covering several engineering disciplines. For instance, state-of-the-art quantum computers have already overtaken the computing performance of even the most powerful supercomputers, but cannot yet tackle computational problems with practical implications. To maximize the impact of those technologies, quantum computers needs to be scaled up, increasing the small number of quantum bits (qubits) available today (<100) to the millions required to solve meaningful problems, such as the simulation and synthesis of high-energy superconductors and drugs. Looking at the quantum-computing stack (see figure), we tackle the scaling problem at different levels: fabricating and integrating new materials and devices, designing and implementing interface electronics for those quantum devices, and setting up a full computing architecture. The effort from the various disciplines, nanofabrication, electrical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, targets to increase the scalability and reliability of those systems.
Our research is funded by both public sources (NWO, EU) and commercial entities (Intel, Fujitsu), and we strictly collaborate with leading groups in The Netherlands and abroad. In particular, we have very close ties with QuTech, the world-leading institute for quantum computing and quantum internet, and several of our faculty members hold a shared appointment at QuTech.
We contribute to several educational programs: check out our Education page! There you will find also more information on opportunities for MSc and BSc projects.
Also, we are always open to receive your CV for positions as PhD or Postdoc. Feel free to directly contact one of our faculty members.