
On this page, we have compiled a list of software developed in our group that is available for download.


A python package for differential operators (gradient, divergence, Laplacian) on point clouds.


Open-source, high-performance dimensionality reduction library, including A-tSNE and HSNE. A python wrapper is available on pypi.
(pip install -v -e .)


A visual analytics software for interactive analysis of high-dimensional mass cytometry single-cell data. The software combines high-performance, scalable dimensionality reduction in form of A-tSNE and HSNE from the HDI Library with clustering and interactive visualization for efficient analysis.


Open-source visual analysis framework for imaging mass cytometry data and cohort comparison.


Open-source visual analysis framework for ocean simulations. The source code is available on GitHub.

Exposure Render

A direct volume rendering application based on physically based light transport, the open source project is located here


Open-source visual programming software for rapidly prototyping complex 3D visualisation and image processing solutions by graphically connecting up colourful boxes and writing small Python scripts. Includes Python, VTK, ITK, numpy, matplotlib, wxpython and more.


A set of open-source, cross-platform C++ wrappers aimed at simplifying development of OpenGL applications using various bits of OpenGL functionality. GLBlaat works on both Windows and Linux, and may also work on OS X.

Multi-field explorer

Open-source visual exploration tool for multi-field volume data.


Open-source library which enables users to quickly create GPU-based implementations of complicated rendering pipelines for visualization using OpenGL. It integrates with VTK for loading and processing mesh and image data, but provides a separate rendering framework with easy access to cutting-edge GPU functionality without the typical VTK overhead.


Open-source interactive registration system for 3D medical datasets. RegistrationShop interfaces with Elastix and aims to improve and simplify the process of volume registration with 3D visualizations and simple interactive tools. RegistrationShop provides ways of creating basic visualizations of 3D volumetric data. Interactive rigid and non-rigid transformation tools can be used to manipulate the volumes during the registration pipeline.

ShapeSpace explorer

Open-source visual analysis tool for the interactive exploration of shape spaces and statistical shape models.