Security and Privacy by Design
Engineers now know how to build strong, but affordable bridges. They have learned from their mistakes over thousands of years. Cyber space is considerably more complex than even the most sophisticated bridge. We have hardly had the time to learn from our mistakes. We are on the road of trial and error now, hoping that we will eventually be able to design security and privacy in the same rigorous way that engineers design bridges.
Scientific Staff
![]( George Smaragdakis
Internet Security, Internet Measurement, Web Privacy, Detection and Mitigation of Cyberattacks
Dr. Hadi Asghari
Governance and economics of privacy, Empirical studies, Security reputation metrics
Dr. Doaa Elnakhala
Global Terrorism and Collective Moral Responsibility, Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, Border security and border barriers, Territorial, ethnic and other conflicts, The conflict in Syria, The Palestinian-Israeli conflict
<link tbm over-de-faculteit afdelingen values-technology-and-innovation people researchers dr-d-doaa-elnakhala _blank>Personal profile |
Dr. Zeki Erkin
Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Multi-party Computation, Applied Cryptography, Privacy engineering, Secure Signal Processing, Blockchain
Prof.dr. Seumas Miller
Ethics of cyber warfare, privacy & confidentiality, collective responsibility
Prof.dr. Jeroen van den Hoven
Ethics of Technology, Computer Ethics, Value Sensitive Design, Responsible Innovation, Privacy
![]( Inald Lagendijk
Privacy protected signal processing
![]( Johan Pouwelse
Secure and scalable distributed computing, blockchain
Dr. Jan Rellermeyer
Secure and scalable distributed systems, Big data analytics, Secure middleware
![]( Jos Weber
Network and channel coding
Dr. Stefanie Roos
Anonymous communication, Blockchain scalability
Dr. Martijn Warnier
Systems Security, Privacy by Design, Vulnerability Assessment
Drs. Raymon Bierens
Alignment of national cyber security strategies through social contract theory
MSc Jelle Vos
Multi-party computation, cyber threat intelligence, private set operations
MSc Jonas Feltes
Ethics of weapon technologies, Collective responsibility, Mass casualty terrorism Ethics of Counterterrorism, History of terrorism
MSc René Mahieu
Economics and governance of privacy. Measurement of privacy policies.
MSc Marwan Khabbaz
Internet of Medical Things, Machine Learning, Cyber Attacks, Authentication Schema
MSc Scott Robbins
Ethics of Big Data, Robot Ethics
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MSc Quinten Stokkink
Fast anonymous streaming with Tor-like onion routing
Ir. Martijn de Vos
Blockchain-regulated marketplace to bid/ask/cancel bandwidth credits
Ir. Yi Yin
Privacy and trust enhancement mechanisms for data sharing
MSc F.W. Dekker
Privacy-enhancing technologies, Multi-party computation, Machine learning