Cybersecurity People at TU Delft

Focus Area: Developing a Science of Cybersecurity

Scientific Staff

Prof.dr. Michel van Eeten

Empirical studies of security in online markets, Security metrics, Security incentives, Economic impact of cyber crime Carlos H. Gañán

Cybersecurity governance, Economic models of user incentives in the presence of threats, Information security, Security market failures

Emeritus Jan van den Berg

Development of Intelligent Data Analysis methods for Improved Decision Making, Theory and Applications of Complex Systems, Safety, Security, Risk and Related Topics. George Smaragdakis

Internet Security, Internet Measurement, Web Privacy, Detection and Mitigation of Cyberattacks Pieter van Gelder

Risk management, Data analytics, System of systems, Multicriteria decision-making under conflicting objectives

Dr. Simon Parkin

Security and privacy usability, security behaviour change, security economics, security management decision-making

Postdocs Ugur Akyazi

expertise: Cyber data analytics, Network security, Evolutionary computation and Machine learning, Cyber security governance, Cyber warfare, Systems engineering

Dr. S.H. (Sélinde) van Engelenburg

machine learning, symbolic AI, ICT, complex multistakeholder environments, sociotechnical research, distributed ledger technology

Natalia Kadenko, PhD

Qualitative methods, discourse analysis, (re)construction of identities, role of framing in conflicts

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Dr. Kate Labunets

security risk assessment, cyber insurance, empirical methods


MSc Michelle Cayford

Effectiveness of surveillance technology

MSc Orcun Cetin

Effectiveness of security notifications, Strengthening incentives of intermediaries for abuse mitigation and vulnerability patching

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MSc Saba Chockalingam

Integration of Safety and Security, Risk Management

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MSc Michael Ciere

Cybersecurity econometrics, Device fingerprinting

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Mikhail Glazunov

Robustness of deep learning, Anomaly detection, Adversarial examples

MSc Bernardus Jansen

Security incentives, Government security performance, Large scale measurements

MSc Ir. M. (Mannat) Kaur

Human Factors, Safety & Security, Sociotechnical Systems (MAS), Cybersecurity, Agent-Based Approach, Coordination

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MSc Qasim Lone

Security metrics for intermediaries, Security compliance

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MSc Clara Maathuis

Assessing the Effects of Cyber Warfare: a technical - military approach

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MSc Arman Noroozian

Security reputation metrics Empirical studies of security performance Modelling attacker / defender characteristics

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MSc Elsa Turcios Rodriguez

Cybersecurity governance, Human factors in security, Network security, Cybersecurity for the Internet of Things

MSc Rolf van Wegberg

Cybercrime targeting financial service providers

MSc Johan de Wit

Effectiveness of security measures

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MSc Mathew Vermeer

Security risk assessment, cyber data analytics

Focus Area: Verification and Validation

Scientific Staff

Prof.dr. Arie van Deursen

Software testing, Software architectures, Software eco-system

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Dr. Robbert Krebbers

verification, semantics of programming languages, proof assistants (Coq)

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Dr. Annibale Panichella

Search-based software engineering, Test automation, Security testing

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Dr. Stjepan Picek

Cryptography, cybersecurity, evolutionary computation and machine learning

Personal profile                                   Sicco Verwer

State Machine Learning, Automated Reverse-Engineering, Cyber Security, Algorithms, and Combinatorial Optimization

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Dr. Nino Pellegrino

State Machine Learning, Network Traffic Analysis

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MSc Azqa Nadeem

Unsupervised Machine Learning, Sequential Behavioral Modelling, Network Traffic Analysis, Cyber Data Analytics

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MSc Clinton Cao

State Machine Learning, Network Traffic Analysis, Software Log Analysis

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MSc Jing Xu

Graph neural networks, Adversarial attacks, Security of AI

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Focus Area: Secure Hardware

Scientific Staff

Prof.dr. Said Hamdioui

Hardware Security and Design for Security

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Dr. Stjepan Picek

Cryptography, cybersecurity, evolutionary computation and machine learning

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ir. Haji Akhundov

Hardware Security, Secure Systems, Cryptography

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MSc Troya Köylü

Artificial intelligence, hardware security

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MSc Mottaqiallah Taouil

Secure hardware

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MSc Huimin Li

PhD Student

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MSc Mark van Beusekom

Forensic security research

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Focus Area: Network Security

Scientific Staff

Prof. Dr. Mauro Conti

Network Security, Cyber Physical Systems, Security and Privacy by Design

Personal profile Rob Kooij

Network modelling

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Dr. Aaron Ding

Edge and IoT Networking, Resilience Engineering

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Dr. Harm Griffioen

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Scientific Staff George Smaragdakis

Internet Security, Internet Measurement, Web Privacy, Detection and Mitigation of Cyberattacks Rob Kooij

Network modelling

Emeritus Jan van den Berg

Development of Intelligent Data Analysis methods for Improved Decision Making, Theory and Applications of Complex Systems, Safety, Security, Risk and Related Topics.

Dr. Aaron Ding

Edge and IoT Networking, Resilience Engineering


MSc Vincent Ghiette

Network scanner analysis

MSc Kris Oosthoek

Threat Intelligence, Security Operations, Network Security

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MSc Harm Griffioen

Threat Intelligence

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Focus Area: Cyber Physical Systems

Scientific Staff

Dr. Riccardo Ferrari

Distributed cyber-physical systems, fault tolerance, cyber attack detection, cooperative mobile agents

Personal profile                                   Pieter van Gelder

Risk management, Data analytics, System of systems, Multicriteria decision-making under conflicting objectives

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Dr. Tamas Keviczky

Distributed control and optimization, networked cyber-physical systems, embedded predictive control, smart grids, cooperative mobile agents

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Dr. Manuel Mazo Espinosa

Networked control systems, formal verification and correct-by-design synthesis of cyber physical systems

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Dr. Peyman Mohajerin

Decision making under uncertainty, stochastic systems and optimal control, fault detection and isolation, with applications to control and security of large-scale and distributed cyber-physical systems

Dr. Sérgio Pequito

Sensor-actuation-communication analysis and design for large-scale dynamical systems. Security and privacy of dynamical networks

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Prof.dr. Peter Palensky

Cyber-physical energy systems, smart grids, modeling and simulation, control and automation protocols

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Dr. Alex Stefanov

Cyber-physical energy systems, resilience, secure operational technologies, vulnerability assessment, cyber attacks, impact analysis, mitigation, power system defence and restoration

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Dr. Maksim Kitsak

Network theory, Internet and cybersecurity, Risk and resilience


MSc Saba Chockalingam

Cyber physical systems in flood defence control

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MSc KaiKai Pan

Smart grid cyber security, vulnerability and impact assessment, co-simulation of cyber physical energy system

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MSc Vahab Rostampour

Distributed Optimization, Randomized Optimization, Stochastic Model Predictive Control, Large Scale Interconnected Systems

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Focus Area: Security and Privacy by Design

Scientific Staff George Smaragdakis

Internet Security, Internet Measurement, Web Privacy, Detection and Mitigation of Cyberattacks

Dr. Hadi Asghari

Governance and economics of privacy, Empirical studies, Security reputation metrics

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Dr. Doaa Elnakhala

Global Terrorism and Collective Moral Responsibility, Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, Border security and border barriers, Territorial, ethnic and other conflicts, The conflict in Syria, The Palestinian-Israeli conflict

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Dr. Zeki Erkin

Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Multi-party Computation, Applied Cryptography, Privacy engineering, Secure Signal Processing, Blockchain

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Prof.dr. Seumas Miller

Ethics of cyber warfare, privacy & confidentiality, collective responsibility

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Prof.dr. Jeroen van den Hoven

Ethics of Technology, Computer Ethics, Value Sensitive Design, Responsible Innovation, Privacy

Personal profile                                   Inald Lagendijk

Privacy protected signal processing

Personal profile                                   Johan Pouwelse

Secure and scalable distributed computing, blockchain

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Dr. Jan Rellermeyer

Secure and scalable distributed systems, Big data analytics, Secure middleware

Personal profile                                   Jos Weber

Network and channel coding

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Dr. Stefanie Roos

Anonymous communication, Blockchain scalability

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Dr. Martijn Warnier

Systems Security, Privacy by Design, Vulnerability Assessment

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Drs. Raymon Bierens

Alignment of national cyber security strategies through social contract theory

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MSc Jelle Vos

Multi-party computation, cyber threat intelligence, private set operations

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MSc Jonas Feltes

Ethics of weapon technologies, Collective responsibility, Mass casualty terrorism Ethics of Counterterrorism, History of terrorism

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MSc René Mahieu

Economics and governance of privacy. Measurement of privacy policies.

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MSc Marwan Khabbaz

Internet of Medical Things, Machine Learning, Cyber Attacks, Authentication Schema

MSc Scott Robbins

Ethics of Big Data, Robot Ethics

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MSc Quinten Stokkink

Fast anonymous streaming with Tor-like onion routing

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Ir. Martijn de Vos

Blockchain-regulated marketplace to bid/ask/cancel bandwidth credits

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Ir. Yi Yin

Privacy and trust enhancement mechanisms for data sharing

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MSc F.W. Dekker

Privacy-enhancing technologies, Multi-party computation, Machine learning

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MSc Rui Wang

Privacy-preserving machine learning

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Tianyu Li

Privacy enhancing technologies, Blockchain

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