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857 results

21 February 2024

Freezing electronics to control diamond spin qubits

Freezing electronics to control diamond spin qubits

19 February 2024

Delft researchers take next step towards better batteries with widely available materials

Delft researchers take next step towards better batteries with widely available materials

Delft researchers are developing batteries that can charge faster, offer more stable storage and are made from sustainable materials that are widely available. In doing so, they offer a cheaper alternative to lithium-ion batteries that consist of rare materials and have a high CO2 footprint.

16 February 2024

Green steel programme receives final approval, marking its official start

Green steel programme receives final approval, marking its official start

On 12 February, the Growing with Green Steel programme received official approval for a grant of more than 100 million euros from the National Growth Fund. Around 22 million euros of the total sum is destined for TU Delft. The programme aims to develop scientific knowledge and technology for sustainable steel production.

16 February 2024

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13 February 2024

Cynthia Liem Receives Women in AI Netherlands Diversity Leader Award

Cynthia Liem Receives Women in AI Netherlands Diversity Leader Award

Cynthia Liem, associate professor of the Intelligent Systems department, has been recognised with the 2024 Women in AI Netherlands Diversity Leader Award. This highlights her contributions to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusivity within the artificial intelligence (AI) sector.

13 February 2024

Scientists develop new technology to identify individual full-length human proteins

Scientists develop new technology to identify individual full-length human proteins

In a study published in Nature Nanotechnology, scientists from Delft University of Technology present a new technique to identify proteins. Proteins carry out essential functions in our cells, while playing a crucial role in diseases like cancer and COVID-19 infection. The researchers identify proteins by reading out the fingerprint, and comparing the fingerprint to patterns from a database. Using this new technology, the researchers can identify individual, intact, full-length proteins, preserving all its information. This can shed light on the mechanisms behind many different diseases and allows earlier diagnosis.

13 February 2024

Unveiling of plaque and mural at Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's birthplace

Unveiling of plaque and mural at Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's birthplace

2023 marked the 300th anniversary of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's death at the age of 91. This was widely commemorated in Delft and beyond last year. TU Delft also remembered the father of microbiology in many ways, including the podcast “A world full of secrets”. Of course, the story of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek deserves a wide audience. That is why last year the Royal Dutch Society for Microbiology (KNVM) commissioned a mural and a plaque on the site of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's birthplace, now De Oostpoort primary school.

12 February 2024

TU Delft receives 2 million for 'Lifelong Learning'

TU Delft receives 2 million for 'Lifelong Learning'

12 February 2024

Projects awarded by the Open Education Stimulation Fund 2023

Projects awarded by the Open Education Stimulation Fund 2023

The Open Science Programme was pleasantly surprised by the number of proposals: 29 were submitted by TU Delft Lecturers.

12 February 2024

Clouds disappear quickly during solar eclipse

Clouds disappear quickly during solar eclipse

Cumulus clouds over land start to disappear almost instantly during a partial solar eclipse. Until recently, satellite measurements during the eclipse resulted in dark spots in the cloud map, but researchers from TU Delft and KNMI were able to recover the satellite measurements by using a new method. The results may have implications for proposed climate engineering ideas, because disappearing clouds can partly oppose the cooling effect of artificial solar eclipses. The results were published today in Nature Communications Earth and Environment.