
857 results

20 March 2024

TU Delft puts its energy into the improvement of social safety

TU Delft puts its energy into the improvement of social safety

20 March 2024

New Mangrove Living Lab result from collaboration with TU Delft

New Mangrove Living Lab result from collaboration with TU Delft

In Vietnam, the newly established Mangrove Living Lab has been put into operation. Here, ideas for restoring mangrove forests to protect the Mekong Delta from water are being tested. Today Minister Mark Harbers of Infrastructure and Water Management visited the lab, which is a result of years of cooperation in education and research between TU Delft and Thuy Loi University in Hanoi.

19 March 2024

Salt marshes put to test in wave flume

Salt marshes put to test in wave flume

Can salt marshes serve as a natural solution for flood protection? Researchers of the project ‘Living Dikes’ transported 62 big blocks of salt marshes, containing soil and vegetation, from the coast of Friesland to the Delta Flume at Deltares. After four weeks of exposure to extreme waves, almost the entire salt marsh is still standing there.

14 March 2024

Pioneering new ‘MasterPlus’ Programme In Optics And Photonics

Pioneering new ‘MasterPlus’ Programme In Optics And Photonics

13 March 2024

TU Delft presents the nine Best Climate Action & Energy Papers

TU Delft presents the nine Best Climate Action & Energy Papers

Nine young researchers compete for the best climate action & energy paper of 2023

08 March 2024

ENHANCE+ Kick-Off welcomed over 130 representatives from our 10 partner universities to Berlin

ENHANCE+ Kick-Off welcomed over 130 representatives from our 10 partner universities to Berlin

On the 22nd and 23rd of February 2024, the ENHANCE+ project Kick-Off in Berlin marked a pivotal moment in the ENHANCE journey to actively shape European Education of the future. During two dynamic days, more than 130 representatives of the Alliance’s ten partner universities gathered in Berlin to officially welcome the new project phase ENHANCE+ and to continue the hard work that has taken place since its formal initiation past November.

07 March 2024

Balloon Telescope GUSTO lands on Antarctica after record-breaking flight

Balloon Telescope GUSTO lands on Antarctica after record-breaking flight

After a record-breaking 57 days, 7 hours and 38 minutes, NASA’s balloon telescope GUSTO completed its flight above Antarctica by landing on the ice by parachute. The mission was designed to last 55 days. GUSTO has observed atomic clouds in our own galaxy and its nearest neighbor with far-infrared cameras, developed by SRON and TU Delft.

05 March 2024

Zwanet van Lubek appointed general director of AMS Institute

Zwanet van Lubek appointed general director of AMS Institute

A delegation from the European Innovation Council (EIC) visited the TU Delft Campus on Wednesday. The visit focused on the innovation ecosystem around TU Delft and the way in which new, promising technology is brought to the market. Collaboration is crucial, was the message.

01 March 2024

TU Delft stresses need for permanent improvement in social safety

TU Delft stresses need for permanent improvement in social safety

In response to the Inspectorate’s report into social safety among employees at the university, TU Delft stresses that social safety deserves priority, ongoing attention and improvement. TU Delft takes the inspectorate's recommendations on board in its improvement process.

29 February 2024

Vici grants for three leading TU Delft researchers

Vici grants for three leading TU Delft researchers

27 February 2024

Casey Deccio (Brigham Young University) gives a Cybersecurity talk

21 February 2024

Freezing electronics to control diamond spin qubits

Freezing electronics to control diamond spin qubits

19 February 2024

Delft researchers take next step towards better batteries with widely available materials

Delft researchers take next step towards better batteries with widely available materials

Delft researchers are developing batteries that can charge faster, offer more stable storage and are made from sustainable materials that are widely available. In doing so, they offer a cheaper alternative to lithium-ion batteries that consist of rare materials and have a high CO2 footprint.

16 February 2024

Green steel programme receives final approval, marking its official start

Green steel programme receives final approval, marking its official start

On 12 February, the Growing with Green Steel programme received official approval for a grant of more than 100 million euros from the National Growth Fund. Around 22 million euros of the total sum is destined for TU Delft. The programme aims to develop scientific knowledge and technology for sustainable steel production.

16 February 2024

Increase the reliability of rankings by sharing your opinion

13 February 2024

Cynthia Liem Receives Women in AI Netherlands Diversity Leader Award

Cynthia Liem Receives Women in AI Netherlands Diversity Leader Award

Cynthia Liem, associate professor of the Intelligent Systems department, has been recognised with the 2024 Women in AI Netherlands Diversity Leader Award. This highlights her contributions to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusivity within the artificial intelligence (AI) sector.

13 February 2024

Scientists develop new technology to identify individual full-length human proteins

Scientists develop new technology to identify individual full-length human proteins

In a study published in Nature Nanotechnology, scientists from Delft University of Technology present a new technique to identify proteins. Proteins carry out essential functions in our cells, while playing a crucial role in diseases like cancer and COVID-19 infection. The researchers identify proteins by reading out the fingerprint, and comparing the fingerprint to patterns from a database. Using this new technology, the researchers can identify individual, intact, full-length proteins, preserving all its information. This can shed light on the mechanisms behind many different diseases and allows earlier diagnosis.

13 February 2024

Unveiling of plaque and mural at Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's birthplace

Unveiling of plaque and mural at Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's birthplace

2023 marked the 300th anniversary of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's death at the age of 91. This was widely commemorated in Delft and beyond last year. TU Delft also remembered the father of microbiology in many ways, including the podcast “A world full of secrets”. Of course, the story of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek deserves a wide audience. That is why last year the Royal Dutch Society for Microbiology (KNVM) commissioned a mural and a plaque on the site of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek's birthplace, now De Oostpoort primary school.

12 February 2024

TU Delft receives 2 million for 'Lifelong Learning'

TU Delft receives 2 million for 'Lifelong Learning'

12 February 2024

Projects awarded by the Open Education Stimulation Fund 2023

Projects awarded by the Open Education Stimulation Fund 2023

The Open Science Programme was pleasantly surprised by the number of proposals: 29 were submitted by TU Delft Lecturers.

12 February 2024

Clouds disappear quickly during solar eclipse

Clouds disappear quickly during solar eclipse

Cumulus clouds over land start to disappear almost instantly during a partial solar eclipse. Until recently, satellite measurements during the eclipse resulted in dark spots in the cloud map, but researchers from TU Delft and KNMI were able to recover the satellite measurements by using a new method. The results may have implications for proposed climate engineering ideas, because disappearing clouds can partly oppose the cooling effect of artificial solar eclipses. The results were published today in Nature Communications Earth and Environment.

08 February 2024

New AI tool discovers realistic 'metamaterials' with unusual properties

New AI tool discovers realistic 'metamaterials' with unusual properties

A coating that can hide objects in plain sight, or an implant that behaves exactly like bone tissue. These extraordinary objects are already made from ‘metamaterials’. Researchers from TU Delft have now developed an AI tool that not only can discover such extraordinary materials but also makes them fabrication-ready and durable.

07 February 2024

Tim van der Hagen reappointed as Rector Magnificus/President of the Executive Board

Tim van der Hagen reappointed as Rector Magnificus/President of the Executive Board

TU Delft’s Supervisory Board has reappointed Professor Tim van der Hagen as Rector Magnificus/President of the Executive Board of TU Delft. The reappointment comes into effect on 1 May 2024 and runs until 7 October 2026.

05 February 2024

TU Delft develops model to better understand injuries to babies caused by violent shaking

TU Delft develops model to better understand injuries to babies caused by violent shaking

Shaking a baby violently can cause head and neck injuries, blindness and in some cases even death. Researchers at TU Delft, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, are using a dummy baby and computer models to map the accelerations that act on the head during shaking. They want to be able to assess the risk of injury more accurately. This could eventually lead to more clarity in legal cases on the subject.

03 February 2024

TU Delft engineers work with Erasmus MC and EUR on sustainable care

TU Delft engineers work with Erasmus MC and EUR on sustainable care

02 February 2024

NWO grant for Human-Centred AI for crowd crisis response

NWO grant for Human-Centred AI for crowd crisis response

AI has the potential to support crowd crises decisions, yet the increasing use of AI has led to a debate about the legal and ethical implications. To address these challenges, the AI-COMPASS consortium, led by TU Delft, develops real-time decision support systems, considering context, behaviour, and values. The project is financed by the Collaboration between Humans and (semi-)Autonomous systems programme of NWO.

01 February 2024

New network to build the first realistic thermomagnetic generator for waste heat recovery

New network to build the first realistic thermomagnetic generator for waste heat recovery

TU Delft leads HEAT4ENERGY, a European consortium, dedicated to develop thermomagnetic devices and novel materials to harvest heat from data centres, food, pulp and paper industries and convert this waste heat to electricity. This project ticks all the boxes: energy transition, decarbonising, low and high power devices for conversion of waste heat to electricity, energy storage, finding alternatives for critical raw materials, developing new materials and most important of all: training of a next generation of European experts.

26 January 2024

TU Delft Faculty of Aerospace Engineering takes measure for 30% female intake in bachelor's programme

TU Delft Faculty of Aerospace Engineering takes measure for 30% female intake in bachelor's programme

The percentage of female students starting in the Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft has not been increasing for several years. The percentage is currently around 20%. "That is not enough as far as we are concerned. That’s why we want to increase the proportion to 30% at once with the intake of the coming academic year," says Director of Education Joris Melkert.

25 January 2024

Fujitsu en Technische Universiteit Delft richten quantumlab op

Fujitsu en Technische Universiteit Delft richten quantumlab op

Industry-academia collaboration hub Fujitsu Advanced Computing Lab Delft at Delft University of Technology to drive development of advanced quantum computing technologies

25 January 2024

Social living room Exhale officially opened

Social living room Exhale officially opened

On Friday 19 January 2024, Exhale, a social living room powered by X, hosted a party to celebrate its official opening. Hundreds of students from TU Delft visited Exhale to get to know the space for the first time, get together and enjoy food and good music.

23 January 2024

Interview with Judith Rietjens: "We need to cherish the conversation again”

Interview with Judith Rietjens: "We need to cherish the conversation again”

Judith Rietjens is a Professor of Design for Public Health at the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering and Erasmus MC’s department of Public Health. On 26 January, she will give her inaugural lecture at the TU Delft Aula. What was it that sparked her line of research? Why did she join the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE)? How does she see the evolution of the healthcare system? Find out in this interview.

23 January 2024

New website helps make eHealth tools usable for all

New website helps make eHealth tools usable for all

eHealth tools can offer a solution to the glaring shortage of healthcare personnel. But not everyone has the technical skills to get started with these tools. That is why PhD candidates Jasper Faber and Isra Al-Dhahir have developed a website for eHealth tool developers to get practical information on building such a tool, with the aim of closing the growing health gap. "Think practical tips, do's and don'ts."

16 January 2024

Interview with Dr. Jalal Kazempour: insights on priorities for the energy transition, barriers, and modelling

Interview with Dr. Jalal Kazempour: insights on priorities for the energy transition, barriers, and modelling

16 January 2024

TU Delft celebrated 182nd Dies Natalis and Delta week

TU Delft celebrated 182nd Dies Natalis and Delta week

15 January 2024

New TU Delft Dream Team Emergence combines art and technology

New TU Delft Dream Team Emergence combines art and technology

Emergence Delft is een gloednieuw TU Delft studententeam dat met interactieve kunstinstallaties meer duiding en uitleg wil geven over de impact van nieuwe, moderne, opkomende technologie

09 January 2024

Old times revived for climate adaptation

Old times revived for climate adaptation

Extreme rainfall events are becoming more extreme and periods of drought are becoming more frequent. To keep the Dutch delta liveable, adaptations will be needed, such as extra water buffers. The Netherlands has a long history of struggle against water, but also makes eager use of it. What can we learn from our heritage? Erik Mostert, lecturer and researcher Water Management at TU Delft, developed several strategies for the province of South Holland to be more resilient to climate change. Inspiration for this came from Dutch heritage: tow barge canals.

09 January 2024

Student 'Quick Reaction' Team erected for field measurements in extreme weather events

Student 'Quick Reaction' Team erected for field measurements in extreme weather events

08 January 2024

Unique permanent coastal observation detects minimal changes

Unique permanent coastal observation detects minimal changes

A team of researchers from TU Delft has succeeded in long-term mapping of beach topography to within a few centimetres. The unique dataset provides insights into coastal changes for every hour, for three years. This data is important for dune maintenance and to keep the hinterland well protected. The methodology is also being used to monitor other coastlines and even glaciers. The data are open source and published in Nature, and the new methodology was also recently published.

08 January 2024

New year, new name: 3mE is now called Mechanical Engineering

New year, new name: 3mE is now called Mechanical Engineering

The Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Science (3mE) is starting the new year with a new name: Mechanical Engineering (ME). The name change took effect from 1 January.

22 December 2023

December edition Delft Matters published