
857 results

22 September 2022

"We need supercomputers - for designing aircraft wings to making climate predictions"

"We need supercomputers - for designing aircraft wings to making climate predictions"

20 September 2022

New radiolabelling method for personalised cancer treatment

New radiolabelling method for personalised cancer treatment

Researchers from TU Delft have found a new method to efficiently make nano carriers loaded with radioactive salts for both medical imaging and treatment. Because the assembly of these nano carriers is incredibly simple, the innovation is very suitable for clinical research and treatments of cancer patients.

19 September 2022

TU Delft opens globally unique wind tunnel

TU Delft opens globally unique wind tunnel

Wind turbines are getting bigger and bigger and the wind speed is never the same on every part of the rotor – the rotating part of a wind turbine. That is why it is important to carry out experiments using non-uniform wind fields: fields in which the wind speed is not the same everywhere. With the opening of TU Delft’s Wind AI Lab – a globally unique wind tunnel – this will become possible.

15 September 2022

Society needs more engineers: TU Delft initiates exploration of growth and multi-campus strategy

Society needs more engineers: TU Delft initiates exploration of growth and multi-campus strategy

Engineers have a vital role to play in solving the major societal issues of this century. This means that the education of engineers is crucial for the welfare and prosperity of the Netherlands. The domestic demand for engineers is as high as ever. Here lies a great responsibility, which TU Delft is committed to taking. It requires a new strategic direction, a different way of thinking. Rather than looking at what we can handle, the focus should be on what is needed and how we can achieve that. This poses a huge undertaking that we certainly cannot meet by ourselves.

05 September 2022

Best Professor Award received by Kees Vuik

Best Professor Award received by Kees Vuik

On Monday 5 September, Kees Vuik, Professor Numerical Analysis at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) received the Best Professor Award 2022. The festive ceremony preceded the Opening of the Academic Year 2022-2023. Delft University Fund awards the prestigious Professor of Excellence Award since 1994.

26 August 2022

New CRISPR-Cas system with on-off switch cuts proteins

New CRISPR-Cas system with on-off switch cuts proteins

Researchers from TU Delft in the group of Stan Broun have discovered a CRISPR-Cas system that cuts proteins instead of DNA.

25 August 2022

Cells: strong at the right place and time

Cells: strong at the right place and time

Researchers from TU Delft and NWO institute AMOLF discovered how certain molecular bonds make living cells both flexible, in order to move, as well as strong, in order to withstand forces.

24 August 2022

Queen Máxima and Minister Dijkgraaf visit Delft University of Technology Reception Week

Queen Máxima and Minister Dijkgraaf visit Delft University of Technology Reception Week

High-profile visitors during Delft's Reception Week (OWee) and Introduction Programme (IP) for new students: Her Majesty Queen Máxima and Minister Dijkgraaf of Education, Culture and Science visited the Activity Market and talked to students about mental well-being.

22 August 2022

Measurement campaign maps GHG emissions and air pollution in Rotterdam

Measurement campaign maps GHG emissions and air pollution in Rotterdam

Scientists from TU Delft, together with scientist from other research institutions, will investigate how the reduction of urban greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution can best be monitored with atmospheric measurements. Monday, August 22, the measurement campaign will start in the Rotterdam region. TU Delft is using mobile rader equipment to measure urban emissions.

15 August 2022

TU Delft iGEM team aims to develop sensor to detect GHB in drinks

TU Delft iGEM team aims to develop sensor to detect GHB in drinks

Someone may slip drugs into your drink without you noticing, after which you may not be able to think clearly. However, this kind of drugging can almost never be proven, because GHB disappears from the blood within 3 hours. The iGEM student team at TU Delft is working on a fast sensor to detect GHB in drinks. This will alert the user and provide evidence of drugging. 

04 August 2022

TU Delft researchers create flow-driven rotors at the nanoscale

TU Delft researchers create flow-driven rotors at the nanoscale

Onderzoekers van de TU Delft hebben de kleinste door stroming gedreven motoren ter wereld ontwikkeld. Geïnspireerd door de iconische Nederlandse windmolens en door biologische motoreiwitten hebben ze een zichzelf configurerende, stromingsgedreven turbine uit DNA gemaakt, die energie van een elektrische of zoutgradiënt omzet in bruikbaar mechanisch vermogen. De resultaten bieden perspectief voor de ontwikkeling van actieve robotica op nanoschaal. Het artikel is vandaag gepubliceerd in Nature Physics.

01 August 2022

TU Delft raises rainbow flag

TU Delft raises rainbow flag

21 July 2022

NextSkins: EIC Pathfinder grant for collaborative living materials research

NextSkins: EIC Pathfinder grant for collaborative living materials research

A team of researchers from TU Delft, Imperial College London, and Aalto University have received a EIC Pathfinder Challenge grant of 4 million euros for their NextSkins research project on Engineered Living Materials.

13 July 2022

Delft students ready for international hyperloop competition

Delft students ready for international hyperloop competition

On 18 July Delft will host the 'European Hyperloop Week', the international hyperloop competition for student teams from around the world.

08 July 2022

Convergence brings together investment of 60 million for future-proof healthcare

Convergence brings together investment of 60 million for future-proof healthcare

Tien Flagship projecten van de Convergence, de strategische samenwerking van de TU Delft, het Erasmus MC en de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam gaan onderzoek doen gericht op het toekomstbestendig maken van de gezondheidszorg. De Flagships ontvangen bij elkaar 20 miljoen euro van het Convergence Health & Tech programma. Samenwerking met publieke en private partijen voegt daar nog eens ruim 40 miljoen aan toe.

06 July 2022

QuTech, Eurofiber and Juniper Networks partner to deploy a Quantum testbed

QuTech, Eurofiber and Juniper Networks partner to deploy a Quantum testbed

01 July 2022

Vidi grants for eight leading TU Delft researchers

Vidi grants for eight leading TU Delft researchers

28 June 2022

7.4 million euros for research into products from wastewater

7.4 million euros for research into products from wastewater

Showering, cleaning, flushing toilets, and industrial production are all processes that use a great deal of water. But what happens to the waste in the water, to everything that is flushed away and disappears into the sewer system together with the water?

28 June 2022

TU Delft researchers: sea level rise along Dutch coastline accelerating

TU Delft researchers: sea level rise along Dutch coastline accelerating

De zeespiegelstijging langs de Nederlandse kust is aan het versnellen. Dat melden wetenschappers van de TU Delft in een nieuwe studie. Uit een uitgebreide analyse van de metingen van acht getijdestations langs de Nederlandse kust (onder meer die van Maassluis, Delfzijl en Vlissingen) blijkt dat de gemiddelde zeespiegelstijging – sinds midden jaren negentig – 2.7 ± 0.4* millimeter per jaar is. In vergelijking tot de zeventig jaar daarvoor is dat een significante stijging van 1.0 ± 0.5 mm/jaar.

24 June 2022

TU Delft students impress in competition with sustainable solution for tenement flats

TU Delft students impress in competition with sustainable solution for tenement flats

Symbiotic Urban Movement (SUM) is the name of the TU Delft student team that won third prize at the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 on Friday 24 June. Their solution: an innovative plan to transform all of the Netherlands’ 847,000 tenement flats.

23 June 2022

Opening Mondai: House of AI

Opening Mondai: House of AI

A new ‘House of AI’ officially opened its doors at TU Delft on Thursday. Mondai is where AI science, education and innovation will come together – an important place for lectures, workshops, hackathons and other events.

22 June 2022

Researchers invent Bluetooth that keeps on working even if power runs out

Researchers invent Bluetooth that keeps on working even if power runs out

Internet of Things now possible without batteries or continuous power, thanks to the invention of 'intermittently-powered bluetooth' FreeBie

21 June 2022

Track-and-trace method predicts best possible resolution in microscopy

Track-and-trace method predicts best possible resolution in microscopy

TU Delft scientists provide insight into the limitations of super-resolution microscopy and offer a new calculation method to determine maximum resolution. The technology is important for studying processes in the living cell, discovering the origin of diseases and developing new medicines. In addition, their publication nuances major precision improvements previously claimed by fellow researchers. Their findings were published in Biophysical Journal.

13 June 2022

TU Delft researchers develop model for green, energy independent Europe

TU Delft researchers develop model for green, energy independent Europe

Researchers from ETH Zurich and TU Delft have developed a model to generate hundreds of ways in which Europe’s energy system can become green and self-sufficient by 2050.

10 June 2022

More focus on shipping in climate policy

More focus on shipping in climate policy

"We are concerned about the impact of ship emissions on our climate. But we should also start worrying about the effect of climate change on shipping." This statement was made by professor Mark van Koningsveld in his inaugural speech. Held at TU Delft on Friday 10 June during the Port & Waterways symposium.

08 June 2022

Negligence in Nature article on Quantized Majorana conductance

Negligence in Nature article on Quantized Majorana conductance

In the 2018 Nature article Quantized Majorana conductance, the first author involved, Dr Hao Zhang, and corresponding author, Professor Leo Kouwenhoven, were partly negligent and partly culpably negligent. There was no violation of scientific integrity. This is the judgement of the Executive Board of TU Delft, based on recommendations of the TU Delft Research Integrity Committee (CWI), supported by external experts, and advice of the Netherlands Board on Research Integrity (LOWI).

02 June 2022

Jan-Maarten Geertman Alumnus of the Year 2022

Jan-Maarten Geertman Alumnus of the Year 2022

30 May 2022

Energy-producing Echo building opened at TU Delft Campus

Energy-producing Echo building opened at TU Delft Campus

From Monday 30 May, TU Delft teachers and students can start using sustainable education building Echo. After the summer break, the building will be in full use and the catering facilities will be fully operational. This energy-producing building on TU Delft Campus is set to contribute to TU Delft’s ambition of operating in a completely sustainable manner and becoming a carbon-neutral and circular campus by 2030.

30 May 2022

Dutch researchers teleport quantum information across rudimentary quantum network

Dutch researchers teleport quantum information across rudimentary quantum network

Researchers in Delft have succeeded in teleporting quantum information across a rudimentary network. This first of its kind is an important step towards a future quantum Internet. The researchers, working at QuTech—a collaboration between Delft University of Technology and the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)—are publishing their findings today in the scientific journal Nature.

30 May 2022

Self-flying drones that monitor greenhouse diseases and pests

Self-flying drones that monitor greenhouse diseases and pests

TU Delft, Royal Brinkman and start-up Mapture have developed the next step in drone technology for agriculture. Their new AI-enabled drone takes off completely independently, flies over rows of plants and people in a greenhouse, takes high-resolution photos, and lands safely back on its charging station.

20 May 2022

More efficient aircraft maintenance through AI

More efficient aircraft maintenance through AI

Maintaining aircraft fleets smarter and more efficiently using AI? With a major study of several European universities and industries (ReMAP) with TU Delft as project leader, a step has been taken in the modernization of aircraft maintenance using Artificial Intelligence.

18 May 2022

Queen Máxima and European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel visit Delft researchers and innovations

Queen Máxima and European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel visit Delft researchers and innovations

18 May 2022

Temporary emergency accommodation for asylum seekers

Temporary emergency accommodation for asylum seekers

Delft will temporarily accommodate 200 asylum seekers. The emergency shelter is for the duration of 5 months. TU Delft will make space available on its premises on the southern part of the TU Delft Campus.

16 May 2022

TU Delft's Control Room of the Future makes power grid digitally resilient

TU Delft's Control Room of the Future makes power grid digitally resilient

The increased digitalisation of the power grid comes with its own set of cyber threats and risks. In TU Delft’s Control Room of the Future (CRoF) the power grid gets put through its paces. This remarkable research facility offers both industry and academics unique opportunities to research, develop and test the integration of new energy management technologies into the smart grid.

16 May 2022

TU Delft has launched the Digital Ethics Centre for fair and safe AI

TU Delft has launched the Digital Ethics Centre for fair and safe AI

Our society is digitising itself more and more. That offers opportunities, such as more efficient working, but it also raises many ethical questions – the sort of questions now being addressed by TU Delft’s new Digital Ethics Centre. Together with government agencies and companies, the centre’s researchers are looking at the ethical side of AI and digitalisation, such as fairness, safety and transparency, and seeking to develop the best solutions and applications.

12 May 2022

Royal Academy selects 22 new members

The KNAW has selected 22 new members, two of whom are from TU Delft. The KNAW members, leading scientists from all disciplines, are chosen based on their scientific achievements.

11 May 2022

Caspar Chorus appointed Dean of Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE)

Caspar Chorus appointed Dean of Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE)

28 April 2022

Five Royal Honours at TU Delft

Kornelis Blok (TBM), Jaap Harlaar (3mE), Paulien Herder (TNW), Catholijn Jonker (EWI) and Rob Mudde (CVB) received a Royal Decoration this year for their major contributions to education, science and society.

28 April 2022

Discovery of the one-way superconductor, thought to be impossible

Discovery of the one-way superconductor, thought to be impossible

Associate Professor Mazhar Ali and his research group at TU Delft have discovered one-way superconductivity without magnetic fields, something that was thought to be impossible ever since its discovery in 1911 – up till now.

26 April 2022

ERC Advanced grants for TU Delft researchers

ERC Advanced grants for TU Delft researchers

The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Advanced Grant to two TU Delft researchers: Sjoerd Stallinga (ImPhys) and Frank Hollmann (Biotechnology). The European grant enables internationally established research leaders to conduct a five-year research project.