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301 results

24 May 2019

Vidi grants for cloud research and energy storage

Vidi grants for cloud research and energy storage

Two researchers of the faculty of CEG, Louise Nuijens and Hadi Hajibeygi, have been awarded a Vidi grant by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). This grant offers them the possibility of developing their own line of research and building their own research group.

14 May 2019

The Sand Motor review: results and reflections on the NatureCoast programme

The Sand Motor review: results and reflections on the NatureCoast programme

How can the Dutch Sand Motor help nature protect the Dutch coast? And can this knowledge be used to combat coastal erosion in Jamaica? The newly published ‘The Sand Motor: a nature-based response to climate change’ outlines the most important results and reflections on the multidisciplinary NatureCoast programme which ran from 2013 to 2017.

26 April 2019

Royal Honour for Prof. Jan Dirk Jansen

Royal Honour for Prof. Jan Dirk Jansen

Professor Jan Dirk Jansen, Dean and Professor of Reservoir Systems and Control at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CEG), has just been made a Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion in Delft.

16 April 2019

TU Delft Campus living lab for autonomous driving

TU Delft Campus living lab for autonomous driving

Along the Leeghwaterstraat on TU Delft Campus masts are currently being erected to monitor bicycle and car traffic. This will turn this part of the campus into a living lab for research into the behavior of cyclists and autonomous driving.

10 April 2019

TU Delft publishes vision on Climate Action

TU Delft publishes vision on Climate Action

The climate is changing and this is something we shall have to deal with. What TU wants to contribute is written down in a vision paper published today.

10 April 2019

TU Delft cooperates with Vietnam in training water professionals

TU Delft cooperates with Vietnam in training water professionals

Over the next three years, Delft University of Technology will support Vietnam in training water management professionals. The ‘Climate Proof Vietnam’ programme was officially launched on Wednesday in the Vietnamese capital Hanoi.

28 March 2019

Did Mesdag ‘forget’ to paint part of Scheveningen?

Did Mesdag ‘forget’ to paint part of Scheveningen?

Bij het schilderen van zijn Panorama in 1881, lijkt Hendrik Willem Mesdag een stuk van Scheveningen vergeten te hebben.