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04 July 2024

Revolutionising Water Level Monitoring: TU Delft's Alticube+ Selected by ESA

Revolutionising Water Level Monitoring: TU Delft's Alticube+ Selected by ESA

Als het waterniveau ergens op aarde stijgt -of daalt- willen we dat graag snel weten, zodat niemand gevaar loopt. Daarvoor is het nodig om het wereldwijde watersysteem goed te begrijpen en het waterniveau veelvuldig en op vele plaatsen te kunnen meten. Dr. Jian Guo en zijn team van TU Delft, samen met industriële partners COMET Ingeniería en ISISPACE, hebben daarom een nieuw concept genaamd Alticube+ bedacht. Dit voorstel is recent uit meer dan 70 voorstellen door ESA geselecteerd om samen met een team van ESA experts verder te gaan ontwikkelen.

28 June 2024

Femke Vossepoel is appointed professor in Earth System Simulation

Femke Vossepoel is appointed professor in Earth System Simulation

Femke: “With the simulation I can make scenarios that support decision makers by predicting how the natural system responds to human interventions. The resulting models need to be fast and flexible, but also complete enough.”

26 June 2024

Artificial coral reefs that help protect islands from flooding

Artificial coral reefs that help protect islands from flooding

Reef-lined islands are often low-lying and thus extremely vulnerable to coastal flooding. The vanishing of coral reefs worldwide gives the waves free rein. Besides efforts to protect the reefs, ways to artificially restore coral reefs are being devised. Can the proposed reef restoration be an effective mitigation measure against flooding?

26 June 2024

Colleague dr. Jan-Willem Foppen (1965–2024) passed away

20 June 2024

Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize for Gertjan Medema

Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize for Gertjan Medema

Professor Gertjan Medema has been awarded the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize 2024 for his groundbreaking research and significant contributions to sewage epidemiology for virus detection in wastewater during the COVID-19 pandemic. His timely research breakthrough enabled the use of wastewater surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic. President Tharman Shanmugaratnam of the Republic of Singapore presented the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize medallion to Gertjan Medema. At the beginning of the pandemic, he and his team were the first to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater in the Netherlands. His research enabled the use of wastewater surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic to stop the spread of the virus and had a global impact.

17 June 2024

Gauging Antarctica’s sponginess from space

Gauging Antarctica’s sponginess from space

24 May 2024

Remote sensing research reveals pre-collapse monitoring of Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine

Remote sensing research reveals pre-collapse monitoring of Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine

New findings from a spaceborne monitoring team of University of Houston, TU Delft and DLR indicates the collapse of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine may have been already ongoing before the war with Russia, with deformations in the dam pre-dating the actual collapse. The results were published in the journal Nature Communications Earth and Environment this month.