S.C. (Simeon) Calvert


Dr. ir. Simeon Calvert is an assistant professor (tenured) in the department of Transport & Planning, and co-director of the Delft Data Analytics and Traffic Simulation lab DiTTlab, and co-director of CiTy-AI-lab focussed on urban traffic and mobility behaviour. Simeon’s research is focussed on the impacts of disturbances (e.g. environment, incidents) and technologies (e.g. connected automated vehicles, C-ITS) on traffic flow and performance, and ways to influence this (e.g. through traffic management). Prior to joining TU Delft, he obtained an MSc and BSc in Civil Engineering (specialisation transportation) and a PhD in Transportation studies at TU Delft. During the years 2010-2016, Simeon worked as a research scientist at the Netherlands Institute for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) on a wide range of transportation and mobility related projects, both European and national.

Fun fact: Simeon also works part-time as an International Mountain Leader


Simeon’s research is focussed on describing and understanding traffic behaviour to estimate and forecast traffic flow impacts of automated driving, connected traffic and external disturbances in traffic (roadworks, incidents, environmental impacts, etc). And to offer solutions to improve traffic flow and/or mitigate negative effects of disturbances, for example through traffic management.

My general approach is shown in the figure and includes:

  1. Obtaining empirical evidence in practice through pilots, experiments, etc
  2. Conceptualisation of traffic behaviour and interactions (incl. traffic flow theory, vehicle dynamics and human factors modelling)
  3. Development of state of the art models for forecasting future impacts

For an overview of recently published papers, see my GoogleScholar, ResearchGate or website pages through the links below.

  • Landside Accessibility of Airports (CT3080LR), Course leader and instructor
  • TIL Research & Design Methods (TIL4030), Instructor and project lead
  • Emerging Topics for Transport & Planning (CIE4845), Instructor

Calvert, S. C., Schakel, W. J., & van Lint, J. W. C. (2020). A generic multi-scale framework for microscopic traffic simulation part II–Anticipation Reliance as compensation mechanism for potential task overload. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological140, 42-63.

Calvert, S. C., van Arem, B., & Van Lint, J. W. C. (2020). A generic multi-level framework for microscopic traffic simulation with automated vehicles in mixed traffic. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies110, 291-311.

Calvert, S. C., & Mecacci, G. (2020). A conceptual control system description of Cooperative and Automated Driving in mixed urban traffic with Meaningful Human Control for design and evaluation. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems1, 147-158.

Calvert, S. C., Heikoop, D. D., Mecacci, G., & van Arem, B. (2020). A human centric framework for the analysis of automated driving systems based on meaningful human control. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science21(4), 478-506.

Calvert, S. C., Schakel, W. J., & van Arem, B. (2019). Evaluation and modelling of the traffic flow effects of truck platooning. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies105, 1-22.

Van Lint, J. W. C., & Calvert, S. C. (2018). A generic multi-level framework for microscopic traffic simulation—Theory and an example case in modelling driver distraction. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological117, 63-86.

Calvert, S. C., Schakel, W. J., & Van Lint, J. W. C. (2017). Will automated vehicles negatively impact traffic flow?. Journal of Advanced Transportation2017.

Calvert, S. C., & Snelder, M. (2018). A methodology for road traffic resilience analysis and review of related concepts. Transportmetrica A: transport science14(1-2), 130-154.

Calvert, S. C., Taale, H., & Hoogendoorn, S. P. (2016). Quantification of motorway capacity variation: influence of day type specific variation and capacity drop. Journal of Advanced Transportation50(4), 570-588.

Current projects include, HiDRIVE (H2020) that is focussed on deriving the impacts of highly automated vehicle through an extensive cross border pilot study; CiTy-AI lab projects (Delft-AI), focussed on investigating urban behavioural dynamics with AI; UMNeo (Rijkswaterstaat) in which an on-road truck platooning pilot will be executed and analysed; Traffic microsimulation development with human factors for Connected Automated Driving impacts studies and general traffic safety analysis.

Beyond these, Simeon is also actively pursuing new research opportunities, and is very open to collaborate with other researchers.

Dr. ir. Simeon Calvert

Assistant Professor

  • s.c.calvert@tudelft.nl
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
    Building 23
    Stevinweg 1
    2628 CN Delft

    Room: 4.20

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