Get involved as a partner

There are roughly three ways to collaborate in DAIMoND Lab: (a) in kind or (b) in cash sponsoring; or (c) by collaborating in research projects.  Below we briefly overview these three options, but note that there are many mixed possibilities (e.g. in kind sponsoring as part of a research project), .

In kind sponsoring means sharing human resources (i.e. spending time in the lab) or material resources such as data, specialised software/hardware, etc. Particularly sharing human resources can be a mutually very beneficial arrangement. These partnerships allow us to focus our research agenda onto the things that really matter for practice. Sharing human resources does mean making very clear agreements, for example, a PhD candidate is a long term commitment! Note that in kind sponsoring may also be part of project based funding.

In cash sponsoring means donating funds to the Lab without a specific project or product in mind. We really appreciate this kind of sponsoring because this allows us to fund students and research assistants to work on cutting edge subjects for which no direct project and / or application is available. It also helps to pay the "small" bills!

Project participation means participating in a consortium of parties to work on a concrete DAIMoND Lab project. This can be a small-scale MSc thesis project or a large multi-PhD project. Typically, such projects are sponsored by NWO, the EU (H2020), but also other constructions are conceivable. We currently run several large research projects, for example MiRRORS, and ToGRIP.