Guopeng LI is a PhD candidate in DiTTlab, department of Transport & Planning. Guopeng's research is focussed on uncertainty quantificatin and predictability estimation in AI-based traffic modelling. He obtained a BSc in Physics at Nanjing University (China, 2016), an Engineer diploma in modelling and sumulation at ENSTA-ParisTech(France, 2018), and an MSc in applied mathematics at University of Versaille (France, 2018). He joined DiTTlab since 2019.
Guopeng's research aim to answer one central question: How predictable is traffic? He is developing a systematic and quantitative approach to estimate both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties in traffic systems, from microscopic driving behaviors to macroscopic-level highway networks.
Guopeng LI
Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
Building 23
Stevinweg 1
2628 CN Delft
Room: 4.02