
15 results

01 May 2023

Delft Subsurface Urban Energy Lab strengthened with geothermal source on campus

Delft Subsurface Urban Energy Lab strengthened with geothermal source on campus

What was born almost 20 years ago as an enthusiastic plan by some Applied Earth Sciences students is now becoming reality: the construction of the wells will start this summer, and in a few years' time TU Delft's campus will be heated by a geothermal source. Earlier this week, the consortium behind Geothermie Delft decided to make the necessary follow-on investment to realise the planned geothermal wells and start the research programme.

20 February 2023

€18 million for research on the sustainable use of our subsurface

€18 million for research on the sustainable use of our subsurface

Increased use of the subsurface, for example for geothermal energy production or subsurface storage, is crucial for achieving the (inter)national goals for greenhouse gas emissions. Today it was announced that EPOS-eNLarge, a research project that focuses on efficient and safe use of the Dutch subsurface, is one of the projects to be awarded through the Dutch Research Council (NWO) Large-scale Research Infrastructure call. The 10-year project will receive 17.9 million euros from NWO.

22 August 2022

20 million EU Grant for research underground heat storage

20 million EU Grant for research underground heat storage

The EU aims to have a net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) economy by 2050. At present, heating and cooling represent around 50% of the final energy demand in Europe and are for a large part supplied by fossil fuel derived energy. Large scale seasonal heat storage is a key strategy to decarbonize heating in order to achieve EU ambitions, because sustainable sources like geothermal and solar provide a lot of heat in summer, while we need it in winter. The PUSH-IT consortium receives this Horizon Europe grant to demonstrate and develop such heat storage systems. PUSH-IT stands for Piloting Underground Seasonal Heat Storage In geothermal reservoirs.

31 May 2022

Geothermal source on TU Delft campus a step closer

Geothermal source on TU Delft campus a step closer

De urgentie van de energietransitie neemt elke dag verder toe. De CO2-uitstoot moet in 2030 met 55% verminderd zijn ten opzichte van 1990 en 1,5 miljoen huishoudens moeten dan aardgasvrij zijn. Dat vraagt om concrete actie. Zo’n tien jaar geleden kreeg een groep TU Delft studenten het idee om een geothermische bron op de universiteitscampus te boren. Wat eerst een wild plan leek, werd in gang gezet toen bleek dat de campus een ideale plek voor geothermie was.

29 March 2021

David Bruhn elected new Coordinator of EERA JP Geothermal

David Bruhn elected new Coordinator of EERA JP Geothermal

David Bruhn, Professor for Geothermal Engineering at our department, was elected as the next coordinator of the EERA Joint Programme Geothermal Energy (JPGE), as of July 1, 2021. The EERA is the European Energy Research Alliance ( and is the largest energy research community in Europe, covering the whole range of low-carbon energy technologies as well as some systemic topics.

09 March 2021

Successful PhD defence of Yang Wang

Successful PhD defence of Yang Wang

Yang Wang held his PhD defence on the 23rd of February. You can access his thesis with the title ‘The impact of heterogeneity on geothermal production: simulation benchmarks and applications’ via the TU Delft repository.

24 November 2020

NWO ATES Triplet project granted !

NWO ATES Triplet project granted !

Congratulations to Phil Vardon, who was awarded an NWO Open Technology Programme grant for the project entitled ATES Triplet.

29 September 2020

Successful PhD defence of Baptiste Lepillier

Successful PhD defence of Baptiste Lepillier

Baptiste Lepillier held his PhD defence on the 29th of September 2020. You can access his thesis with the title ‘Characterization of a Fracture-Controlled Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) in the Trans-Mexican-Volcanic-Belt (TMVB)’ via the TU Delft repository.

02 July 2020

Focus on Geothermal

Focus on Geothermal

Maren Brehme gave a talk on Geothermal Energy in the Netherlands in an IGC online meeting.

22 June 2020

Geothermal Science & Engineering in TU Delta about the EasyGo project

Geothermal Science & Engineering in TU Delta about the EasyGo project

TU Delft is leading a multi-million euro project to train geothermal experts. This connects to the Delft geothermal heat project, with deep wells under the campus.