
Are you curious what happens at the Delft University of Technology? Come and explore the laboratories and research facilities at the university. Science Centre Delft offers you a special guided tour, the Backstage Tour: 'Secrets of the TU Delft'. Together with a student-guide from the Delft University of Technology, you will visit different kinds of locations on the campus. Watch how the researchers are addressing problems in the 142m long towing tank or experience complete silence in the anechoic chamber of Applied Physics. The visit at the Dream Hall will give you the opportunity to see all kinds of high-tech projects created by student teams. In short, the way to discover the secrets of TU Delft.


During the tour 5 or 6 special locations will be visited. Because the Delft University of Technology is primarily to teach and do research, we cannot guarantee that every location will be accessible during the tour but we will alter the guided tour accordingly, so you are still able to see and discover all the latest things going on at the Delft University of Technology!

Anechoic chamber

Within this space, a room without walls is being simulated. This happens because every sound wave is being absorbed by the wall coverings and therefore creates a total silence.

Dream Hall

Within this facility, students are working on their dream projects. Known examples are project MARCH exoskeleton and the Eco-runner hydrogen car.

Towing tank

Within this 142-meter-long pool, research is being conducted towards the influence of waves on the stability of boats.


A big part of the Netherland is located below sea-level. In order to maintain dry, research is being conducted on how to create sustainable dikes.