
24 May 2018

Ghana can learn from Dutch housing associations

Ghana can learn from Dutch housing associations

In many places in Ghana, the management of housing stocks is associated with chronically poor maintenance. Research conducted by doctoral candidate Samson Aziabah reveals that the way in which the Dutch housing associations operate could provide some useful guidance.

09 May 2018

Urbanisation in the North Sea mapped out

Urbanisation in the North Sea mapped out

Guest researcher Nancy Couling set out to investigate the unseen urbanisation processes in the North Sea. At the halfway mark of her research, she has found several challenges for the North Sea: “We need to leave space for culture, heritage, and environmental values in order to make the North Sea a common space.”

09 May 2018

Online learning for a circular economy

Our global society is not sustainable. Massive challenges like climate change and resource scarcity coincide with the desire to sustain our economies and offer opportunities for a growing world population. Explore the circular economy as a possible solution in these two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

26 April 2018

Andy van den Dobbelsteen receives Royal Distinction

Andy van den Dobbelsteen receives Royal Distinction

Today, BK professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen was suprised with a Royal Distinction during the annual Royal Distinction Day or ‘Lintjesregen’. He received the distinction 'Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw' at the Delft town hall from Delft mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt.

26 April 2018

Co Verdaas appointed Professor of Urban Area Development

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is pleased to announce the appointment of Co Verdaas as Professor of Urban Area Development. In the upcoming years, the chair will focus on the development of concepts for sustainable urban areas, in order to maintain and improve the value of the built environment as it relates to the user, the experience, and the future.

24 April 2018

Mohawk stage to be featured at OWEE 2018

Mohawk stage to be featured at OWEE 2018

The Mohawk stage, a fold-out autonomous stage designed by Ate Snijder (AE&T), will be used as stage during the OWEE introduction week 2018. The transformer stage-tent was conceived as a mobile performance venue with its own character and soul.

24 April 2018

Rethink the City MOOC receives honourable mention

‘Rethink the City: New approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges’ ontving een eervolle vermelding in de 2018 Open Education Awards, in de categorie ‘Open Course / OCW / MOOC’.

11 April 2018

Philomena Bluyssen appointed honorary member of ISIAQ

On 5 April, SenseLab founder and professor Philomena Bluyssen has been appointed an honorary member of the Dutch chapter of the International Society for Indoor Air Quality.

27 March 2018

Privatisation of public space calls for clear regulation

Privatisation of public space calls for clear regulation

Can the organisation of public space be handed over to private parties? Yes, according to Els Leclercq's conclusion in her doctoral research, but it has serious consequences in terms of what is and is not permitted in streets, squares, and parks. She calls for clear government regulation.

22 March 2018

Point cloud cleverly modelled using 3D skeleton

Point cloud cleverly modelled using 3D skeleton

Geographical point clouds are a useful tool for modelling our built and natural environment. In practice, however, this demands a lot of manual work. Ravi Peters completed his PhD project on the use of a 3D skeleton, enabling to divide point clouds into objects that then became easier to process automatically.