
550 results

05 July 2022

Online exhibitions

Online exhibitions

Several online exhibitions are available this summer. Take a look via the links.

28 June 2022

LDE white paper: Critical materials, green energy and geopolitics: a complex mix

LDE white paper: Critical materials, green energy and geopolitics: a complex mix

The Green Deal, formulated by the European Union, comprises climate targets that are as ambitious as they are all-important. It aims to reduce net emissions of greenhouse gasses to zero by 2050, without depleting resources and leaving no person or region behind. Seven scientists from the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities wrote the whitepaper ‘Critical materials, green energy and geopolitics: a complex mix’, offering science-based knowledge and strategies for achieving these aims. The paper has now become available.

24 June 2022

TU Delft students impress in competition with sustainable solution for tenement flats

TU Delft students impress in competition with sustainable solution for tenement flats

Symbiotic Urban Movement (SUM) is the name of the TU Delft student team that won third prize at the Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 on Friday 24 June. Their solution: an innovative plan to transform all of the Netherlands’ 847,000 tenement flats.

21 June 2022

Tessa Koenig Gimeno wins shared first prize at Archiprix 2022

Tessa Koenig Gimeno wins shared first prize at Archiprix 2022

BK alumna Tessa Koenig Gimeno has received the shared first prize at the Dutch Archiprix 2022 for her project 'Decolonising the City: Public Space as Cultural Resistance in Santiago de Chile'.

15 June 2022

Open access book: Insight - Academic skills for architects

Open access book: Insight - Academic skills for architects

The book ‘Inzicht - Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen’ (Insight - Academic Skills for Architects) gives an in-depth view of architecture and the built environment as an academic discipline, explicitly addresses the relationship between design and research, and focuses on the practical skills that architecture, urbanism and building sciences students develop during their Bachelor's programme in Delft.

15 June 2022

Documentary 'Post-Pandemic Public Spaces'

Documentary 'Post-Pandemic Public Spaces'

After a pandemic year with no public space worldwide, it was time to look further and ask what has changed in public space. Three Honours Programme BSc students who participated in the research group 'The Design of Public Space' made a documentary series. This documentary gives a view into the changes in thinking about design, mobility, inequality, and our behaviour.

15 June 2022

Housing as healthcare: Nelson Mota wins NWO/NRO Comenius Teaching Fellowship

Housing as healthcare: Nelson Mota wins NWO/NRO Comenius Teaching Fellowship

The importance of biodiversity for public health is widely acknowledged. However, few people are aware of how much housing design decisions influence the interaction between humans, non-humans and the diversity of microorganisms that populate our living environment. With the project Housing as Healthcare: Mapping the correlation between housing design, micro biodiversity and health in The Hague Nelson Mota won the NWO/NRO Comenius Teaching Fellowship.

13 June 2022

Bridges and quay wall restoration with an eye for the environment and the city.

Bridges and quay wall restoration with an eye for the environment and the city.

City centres have become increasingly busier, and the pressure on the sometimes several centuries-old infrastructure is growing, for example due to freight traffic. Many municipalities in the Netherlands face major maintenance challenges, with costs running into billions of euros. Furthermore, the changes in the short term come on top of major transitions in the area of climate adaptation, circularity, energy and transport.

08 June 2022

Energy transition at the heart of TU Delft's education programme

Energy transition at the heart of TU Delft's education programme

On Thursday 9 June, the TU Delft campus will be buzzing like never before. On that day, students will be presenting their ideas on how to accelerate the energy transition. Over the past six months, more than 15,000 TU Delft students have followed a course on energy transition. This has resulted in a large number of ideas and prototypes that can be seen on 9 June during the Energy Challenge Event, which is part of TU Delft's anniversary year.

01 June 2022

Several grants for faculty

Several grants for faculty

In recent months, several grants have been awarded to research projects of our faculty. Frank van der Hoeven, Alexander Wandl and Arjan van Timmeren will be contributing to two of the five selected projects for the development of ‘lighthouse demonstrators' of the New European Bauhaus (NEB). In addition, a SURF grant has won for the first time by Serdar Asut. Karel Van den Berghe and Ellen van Bueren are part of the granted NWO KIC technology proposal SUBLIME.

01 June 2022

Opening Solar Decathlon Europe: follow livestream on 10 June

Opening Solar Decathlon Europe: follow livestream on 10 June

The Solar Decathlon Europe will take place in Wuppertal, Germany, from 10 to 26 June 2022. Team SUM (Symbiotic Urban Movement) - a student team from TU Delft - is competing in the ten sections of the competition with their solution for making 847,000 outdated tenement flats in the Netherlands more sustainable.

16 May 2022

Welded glass: optimal transparency, but architectural challenging

Welded glass: optimal transparency, but architectural challenging

Connecting sheet glass using heat bonding can theoretically result in perfectly transparent structures. But are they also manufacturable and are they strong enough? After countless fracture tests, PhD student Lisa Rammig concludes that welding and lamination can provide very high transparency and strength. But application in architecture is challenging.

12 May 2022

Rising mortgage interest rates dampen price growth on the owner-occupier market

Rising mortgage interest rates dampen price growth on the owner-occupier market

The number of mortgage applications reached a new record in the first quarter of 2022 due to an enormous increase in the number of refinancings of existing mortgages. Consumers are thus anticipating the first increases in mortgage interest rates. However, this rise in interest rates in the first three months of 2022 has also had an impact on the maximum borrowing capacity of households.

10 May 2022

Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunities

Marie Skłodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship opportunities

The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at Delft University of Technology is accepting ‘Expressions of Interest’ for hosting Fellows.

02 May 2022

The Berlage Theory Master Class

The Berlage is pleased to announce its upcoming theory master class entitled “Alive and Kicking: The Body Quick,” led by Francesca Hughes in collaboration with Miguel Rodriguez-Casellas.

25 April 2022

New professor Zef Hemel connects Delft and Groningen

New professor Zef Hemel connects Delft and Groningen

The future of major cities has been in the spotlight for years now. After all, an ever-increasing share of the world population lives in metropolises. However, less attention is being paid to the question of how non-metropolitan areas might decline. As holder of the Bonnema chair at TU Delft and the University of Groningen, urban planner Zef Hemel's work focuses on the potential of regional towns and the surrounding landscapes.

15 April 2022

Worldwide top 2 position for Architecture in QR by subject ranking

In the most recent QS World University Rankings by Subject, Architecture has risen from the top 3 position to the top 2 position. This is a great achievement. In the top 3 we find MIT on 1 and UCL on 3.

13 April 2022

Professor Carola Hein first to be appointed in Leiden Delft and Rotterdam

Professor Carola Hein first to be appointed in Leiden Delft and Rotterdam

Anthropologists, planners, architects and designers have a lot to learn from each other’s approaches and entanglements in professional and research practices.’ The connection between design and social sciences is a key issue for Hein.

11 April 2022

Veni grants for nine leading TU Delft researchers

Veni grants for nine leading TU Delft researchers

Another 78 promising young scientists receive Veni funding of up to 280,000 euros from NWO. This concerns sixty researchers from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SGW) domain and eighteen from the Applied and Technical Sciences (TTW) domain, who can further develop their own research ideas over the next three years. The Venis for the ENW and ZonMW domains were announced in December 2021.

06 April 2022

The Auto Drives Architecture

How will the future car transform the architecture associated with twentieth–century highways and interchanges, from gas stations and car washes to parking garages and motels? What new types of architecture will emerge alongside the future car in the second half of the twenty-first century? How will the private space of the car continue to merge with the public realm?

06 April 2022

Computing power of Delft supercomputer also available for BK

Computing power of Delft supercomputer also available for BK

Research is increasingly based on data and how data can be used to achieve better designs, decisions or measurements. This sometimes requires enormous computing power to process all models and scenarios. Soon all researchers, students and education at TU Delft will be able to use the computational power of DelftBlue to solve complex problems. This high-performance computer has a speed of no less than 2 petaflops (one million times one billion calculations per second). The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment will also have access to use this supercomputer from the end of April.

30 March 2022

Opening up and open access to DOCOMOMO information

Opening up and open access to DOCOMOMO information

Modern buildings that are threatened with demolition or disfigurement are regularly brought to the attention of DOCOMOMO International. In many cases the international DOCOMOMO community plays an important role in the preservation of these threatened buildings. To make the knowledge and information available for everyone, a lot of the material is made available online.

23 March 2022

Two major grants for faculty: NWA-ORC and ERC

Two major grants for faculty: NWA-ORC and ERC

Clementine Cottineau (Urbanism) received an ERC grant for her research project SEGUE on economic segregation in cities. Ellen van Bueren (MBE) is the leader of a large consortium that received a NWA-ORC grant for RED&BLUE; a transdisciplinary study on climate-proof cities.

22 March 2022

Design for everyone with the new PortCityFutures minor

Design for everyone with the new PortCityFutures minor

Port cities are where people, cargo, and ideas venture into the world, where economic development and liveability may clash or go hand in hand. This is the background against which the new LDE minor PortCityFutures offers third year bachelor students of all backgrounds an introduction in observing, design and multi-disciplinary collaboration.

10 March 2022

Planted avenues. On the inseparable relationship between trees and roads

Planted avenues. On the inseparable relationship between trees and roads

Articles regularly appear in the media about citizens protesting against the felling of large numbers of trees along road sites. The reason for felling is often to make the road more safe for traffic, because they stand too close to the road. But that is not the entire story: trees and roads have been inseparably linked for centuries.

09 March 2022

Solution for making 847,000 outdated tenement flats more sustainable

Solution for making 847,000 outdated tenement flats more sustainable

Many of the outdated typical Dutch tenement flats are large consumers of energy and therefore often end up on the demolition list. However, these typical flats do not have to disappear from the city scene. Symbiotic Urban Movement (SUM) - a team of students from Delft University of Technology - has developed a plan to sustainably transform all 847,000 tenement flats in the Netherlands and create more housing.

02 March 2022

Master's thesis on housing concepts for seniors wins Jeroen van der Veer Thesis Award

Master's thesis on housing concepts for seniors wins Jeroen van der Veer Thesis Award

Master's student Joep Bastiaans made an inventory of recently developed collaborative housing concepts for seniors and investigated to what extent these meet their needs and wishes. His Master's thesis 'Professional collaborative housing concepts for seniors' won the Jeroen van der Veer Thesis Award 2021.

23 February 2022

Third prize for two BK graduates in DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award

Third prize for two BK graduates in DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award

Two recent MSc graduated from our faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment became third in the finale of the DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award 2021. The annual event, acknowledges master graduates who come up with ideas to improve the lives of vulnerable groups living in rapidly growing cities in the context of the Global South. Ramona Scheffer and Zhuo-ming Shia were shortlisted with their graduation work amongst 10 other nominees and ended up sharing third place.

22 February 2022

Hofjes and the 21st century design challenge

Hofjes and the 21st century design challenge

According to researcher Willemijn Wilms Floet the concept Hofje (charity courtyard) is likely to succeed in cities that face renewal and densification challenges: they bring security, tranquillity and a nice green communal environment. Hofjes contribute to the urban variety that makes dwelling and living in cities attractive. In her book and open access publication ‘Urban Oases, Dutch Hofjes as Hidden Architectural Gems’ she explains the sustainable design principles, the development, the social impact and why architects, urbanists and real estate developers in the 21st century could benefit. Every era deserves a hofje of its own.

22 February 2022

The engineering tradition of creating land

The engineering tradition of creating land

Landscape architecture is more than the designing of parks and squares. It is an engineering tradition, argues Adriaan Geuze, landscape architect and founder of West 8. As the new Professor of Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at the Delft University of Technology, he sees opportunities for using landscape architecture in a crossover with the other domains in Delft. That is how we could work on complex and urgent long-term tasks, such as climate adaptation, housing construction, energy transition, and agriculture realignment.

16 February 2022

Lack of housing supply and rising mortgage interest rates threaten the owner-occupier market

Lack of housing supply and rising mortgage interest rates threaten the owner-occupier market

Insufficient supply of new and existing owner-occupied homes is the main reason for the once again enormous rise in house prices in the fourth quarter of 2021. A declining number of house sales and increasing numbers of first-time buyers and middle-income households being sidelined were the first signals of a change in the housing market. The threat of a further rise in mortgage interest rates has now been added to this.

14 February 2022

Students design Museum van Marken for Delft

Students design Museum van Marken for Delft

Jacques Van Marken was the founder of the Delft factories Calvé, Gist-Brocades and DSM. He was the first industrialist to build a green factory district for the employees, the Agnetapark. Van Marken was an extremely social entrepreneur who also arranged accident and health insurance for his staff, which was almost unheard of at the time. 30 students submitted models of their vision of an imaginary museum for someone who was of great importance to the city of Delft.

02 February 2022

Bouwflix – Experience the construction site digitally

Bouwflix – Experience the construction site digitally

Teachers, students and construction practitioners experience a gap between the architect at the desk and the craftsman/woman on the construction site. The novice architect has a great gap between theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge that is applied on the construction site, and therefore finds it difficult to maintain himself in contact with contractors and foremen.

01 February 2022

Climate Migration and Real Estate investments

Climate Migration and Real Estate investments

Climate migration, or the movement of people due to environmental changes, is expected to grow as the climate changes. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre projects that 14 million people could be displaced annually by disasters, for example. Where will people leave, and where will they go – and why? How can we, as a society, manage this change in an equitable way?

25 January 2022

Circular water stories worldwide

Circular water stories worldwide

Throughout the world, people have transformed natural water flows into ingenious and controlled water systems, creating impressive cultural and urban landscapes. Traditional water systems are comprehensive systems that are closely linked to the existing landscape, the people -who inhabit and work the landscape-, the animals and plants.

12 January 2022

Housing crisis and housing concepts for senior citizens

Housing crisis and housing concepts for senior citizens

Recently, the role of elderly residents in the housing crisis is hotly debated in the Netherlands. Undoubtedly, more housing would become available if elderly residents would (or could) move to a smaller dwelling. But what do they actually aspire to? What are their housing needs and dilemmas? How can new housing concepts based on sharing and collectivity contribute to the solution? And how can these homes be developed and designed to match the needs of seniors?

21 December 2021

Hydrogen rocks - possibilities of hydrogen in the global energy transition

Hydrogen rocks - possibilities of hydrogen in the global energy transition

An open access book discusses the possibilities of hydrogen in a global renewable energy transition and the position of the Netherlands in a variety of points of interest such as: technology, areas of application, geopolitics, social aspects and the hydrogen economy. (Im)possibilities of hydrogen have been examined across the board, and in particular what it could mean for the Netherlands and Europe.

21 December 2021

NWO grant for WEF project South Africa

NWO grant for WEF project South Africa

Gaining more insight into the intertwined history of the water-energy-food-nexsus (WEF) in the former mining landscape in South Africa is necessary to stimulate future sustainable spatial developments. The NWO grant for a new project is intended to establish a learning environment which theory and methods are developed in order to analyse and understand spatial dynamics and long-term interactions between water, energy and food. The expected results will contribute to a sustainable vision on the redevelopment of extraction landscapes after mining in general and in South Africa more specific.

20 December 2021

Quantitative data collaborative housing

Quantitative data collaborative housing

Quantitative data on collaborative housing are currently scattered or even only available upon request, and lack standard definitions. This prevents a comparative understanding of the challenges and opportunities that these housing forms offer. Furthermore, comparative data are needed to facilitate mutual learning and communication amongst users across countries and regions.

16 December 2021

Thesis award for 3D reconstruction of simplified 3D building models

Thesis award for 3D reconstruction of simplified 3D building models

Obtaining 3D models of buildings is crucial to many urban applications (such as urban planning, solar potential analysis, urban flow simulation), which is still an open problem in remote sensing and the related fields. Existing techniques require high-quality laser scans as input, which imposes challenges to data acquisition. Besides, the building models in the existing platforms (such as Google Earth) are represented by millions of triangles. Such a representation is not friendly for the subsequent processing and application.