Several grants for faculty
In recent months, several grants have been awarded to research projects of our faculty. Frank van der Hoeven, Alexander Wandl and Arjan van Timmeren will be contributing to two of the five selected projects for the development of ‘lighthouse demonstrators' of the New European Bauhaus (NEB). In addition, a SURF grant has won for the first time by Serdar Asut. Karel Van den Berghe and Ellen van Bueren are part of the granted NWO KIC technology proposal SUBLIME.
New European Bauhaus: Lighthouse projects
The projects will create more sustainable, inclusive, and beautiful spaces in locations across the EU and will involve citizens in the green transition at the local level. The projects of our faculty are:
CULTUURCAMPUS (Cultuurcampus: a sustainable hub of arts, research, learning and community as catalyst)
TU Delft researcher: Frank van der Hoeven.
Through blending education, research, policy, and culture, and considering the lived experiences of its residents, Cultuurcampus aims to transform the disadvantaged urban area of Rotterdam South (NL). The Cultuurcampus will be in an historical building and will act as a hub for different groups and activities.
NEB-STAR (New European Bauhaus STAvangeR)
TU Delft researcher: Alexander Wandl and Arjan van Timmeren
NEB-STAR will showcase how territorial transformation plans can incorporate the principles and values of the NEB in Stavanger (NO), Prague (CZ) and Utrecht (NL). The project will tackle four emblematic challenges linked to climate-neutral cities, all considering local needs and concerns through co-creation with residents and stakeholders.
SURF grant
TU Delft researcher: Serdar Asut
HANDZONe will explore how can we utilize VR for more flexible and inclusive hands-on learning methods on designing and making with robots. It will provide a hybrid workspace which integrates a collaborative robot in a virtual platform that is also immersive and tangible with the support of VR and HRI technologies.
NWO KIC technology
TU Delft researchers: Karel Van den Berghe and Ellen van Bueren
SUstainaBle and reLIable Macro stEel infrastructures (SUBLIME).
Karel Van den Berghe and Ellen van Bueren are part of the granted NWO KIC technology proposal SUBLIME (SUstainaBle and reLIable Macro stEel infrastructures), and focusses in particular on the circular economy. This project develops predictive 'digital twins' that integrate structural condition monitoring and prediction models. This will enable much longer, but safe, use. The models are also used to analyze environmental and socio-economic impacts. The unique combination of scientific expertise leads to specific technical and policy recommendations to achieve safe and sustainable steel infrastructure.