
17 September 2021

From house of worship to home

From house of worship to home

During his studies, former architecture student Nima Morkoç bought the vacant Juliana Church in Heijplaat to live in with friends. Then disaster struck: the monumental building went up in flames. Now, four years later, everything indicates that the burnt-down church will rise again in the form of four houses. "That is the biggest task for our generation of architects: making affordable housing," says Nima.

02 September 2021

Water system of the Randstad – open access publication of OverHolland

Water system of the Randstad – open access publication of OverHolland

In the Netherlands, water management and cultural heritage are inextricably linked. The latest issue of OverHolland focuses on the water system of the Randstad. That system is considered the driving force behind the rise of Holland.

01 September 2021

Variable Stiffness featured on PostNL and TU Delft innovation stamps

Variable Stiffness featured on PostNL and TU Delft innovation stamps

PostNL and TU Delft have launched a new stamp sheet that focuses on the innovative capacity of our country. The 10 stamps clearly show that innovation can be found in a wide range of field. One of the ten TU Delft innovations which are featured on a stamp is Variable Stiffness, with a futuristic chaise longue, 3D printed by a robot, that can be transformed into a recliner (and back again).

18 August 2021

Great shortage and sharp price increases in owner-occupied housing market continue

Great shortage and sharp price increases in owner-occupied housing market continue

The supply of homes for sale in the existing housing stock has never been as low as in the second quarter of 2021. The supply of newly build owner-occupied houses has not picked up sufficiently in the last six quarters and in the first quarter of 2021 it even fell back. However, the latent demand for owner-occupied dwellings remains high. The result is an unprecedentedly tight owner-occupied housing market and again a sharp increase in house prices.

04 August 2021

Comenius grant Teaching Fellowship for Angeliki Sioli

Comenius grant Teaching Fellowship for Angeliki Sioli

The educational projects that have been awarded the Comenius grants of 2021 have been announced. TU Delft has no less than three winners of which Angeliki Sioli (Assistant Professor of Architecture) received the Teaching Fellowship.

28 June 2021

Dutch Universities shine a light on essential Design Engineering Sciences sector

Dutch Universities shine a light on essential Design Engineering Sciences sector

“Technology and Society in Equilibrium” – a new sector portrait for Design Engineering Sciences - has been presented to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. The report paints a picture of this unique sector which includes the disciplines of Industrial Design Engineering, Architecture, Technology, Policy & Management.

22 June 2021

Shared second prize for BK alumna Annebé Brouwer during Archiprix 2021

Shared second prize for BK alumna Annebé Brouwer during Archiprix 2021

Op 19 juni heeft de recent afgestudeerde Annabé Brouwer een gedeelde tweede plek bemachtigd bij de 41e editie van de Archiprix 2021.

15 June 2021

TU Delft becomes New European Bauhaus partner

TU Delft becomes New European Bauhaus partner

TU Delft has been selected as a partner of the New European Bauhaus, a think-do tank initiated by the President of the European Commission.

10 June 2021

Air quality in the operating room; can it be done more efficiently and differently?

Air quality in the operating room; can it be done more efficiently and differently?

The air in an operating theatre is continuously refreshed with HEPA filtered air. The idea is that this prevents infections. For many years, air treatment systems have been used to purify the air in almost every operating theatre in the same way for every type of procedure. Scientists from various scientific disciplines, including Peter Luscuere of Architecture and the Built Environment, investigate in the Medical Delta Living Lab Research OR whether this can be done differently, better and more efficiently.

01 June 2021

Design & Built competition for ‘Europe Readr’ pavilion

Design & Built competition for ‘Europe Readr’ pavilion

This summer, all BK-students are invited to join the design & built competition for ‘Europe Readr’ pavillion. The challenge is to design and produce a small ‘pavilion’ that will, enable exchange, debate, and reflection on the future of living Europe, in new and innovative ways. The winning design will be built and travel to several locations in the Netherlands.