
24 April 2018

Mohawk stage to be featured at OWEE 2018

Mohawk stage to be featured at OWEE 2018

The Mohawk stage, a fold-out autonomous stage designed by Ate Snijder (AE&T), will be used as stage during the OWEE introduction week 2018. The transformer stage-tent was conceived as a mobile performance venue with its own character and soul.

24 April 2018

Rethink the City MOOC receives honourable mention

‘Rethink the City: New approaches to Global and Local Urban Challenges’ ontving een eervolle vermelding in de 2018 Open Education Awards, in de categorie ‘Open Course / OCW / MOOC’.

11 April 2018

Philomena Bluyssen appointed honorary member of ISIAQ

On 5 April, SenseLab founder and professor Philomena Bluyssen has been appointed an honorary member of the Dutch chapter of the International Society for Indoor Air Quality.

27 March 2018

Privatisation of public space calls for clear regulation

Privatisation of public space calls for clear regulation

Can the organisation of public space be handed over to private parties? Yes, according to Els Leclercq's conclusion in her doctoral research, but it has serious consequences in terms of what is and is not permitted in streets, squares, and parks. She calls for clear government regulation.

22 March 2018

Point cloud cleverly modelled using 3D skeleton

Point cloud cleverly modelled using 3D skeleton

Geographical point clouds are a useful tool for modelling our built and natural environment. In practice, however, this demands a lot of manual work. Ravi Peters completed his PhD project on the use of a 3D skeleton, enabling to divide point clouds into objects that then became easier to process automatically.

22 March 2018

Faculty starts research on collaboration between water boards and market

The Chair of Public Commissioning is starting a research project, commissioned by the water boards, on the collaboration between the water boards and commercial parties in infrastructural projects.

19 March 2018

“Remove all asphalt from the roof”

“Remove all asphalt from the roof”

Last week, the report ‘Haagse Hitte: Het Haagse warmte-eiland in kaart gebracht’ on the urban heat island effects on the city of The Hague was presented to city council alderman Joris Wijsmuller.

15 March 2018

Form follows force

Form follows force

Although a curved form is known to be stronger than a flat structure, we do not know exactly how much stronger. Doctoral candidate Qingpeng Li tried to find out by testing various shell structures. His findings show that even a small curve can provide significant reinforcement.

15 March 2018

Alexandra den Heijer appointed as Professor of Public Real Estate

With pleasure the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment announces that Alexandra den Heijer has been appointed as Professor of Public Real Estate [Publiek Vastgoed].

15 March 2018

Ripple effect of Amsterdam house prices

Ripple effect of Amsterdam house prices

The price of houses in Amsterdam, whether rising or falling, influences house prices in a large part of the Netherlands. This is an important result of Alfred Teye's PhD research, because insight into house price developments and risks in the housing market is crucial for society.