Novel Propulsion and Power Concepts

For Next-Gen Green Aircraft

  • New aero engine system configurations and design methods for, e.g.:
    • Turbofan with BLI (Boundary Layer Ingestion) fan
    • Hydrogen fuelled gas turbines
  • Novel power units for more electric aircraft (MEA) like fuel cells or gas turbines
  • Waste heat recovery systems
IDEOVIP: Propulsion and Power System simulation, analysis and optimization software framework
The E-Fan X research platform. Credits: Airbus
NASA’s STARC-ABL turboelectric Plane Concept. Credits: NASA
Concept for a combined cycle Power Unit of next-gen more-electric aircraft. The unit is always in operation, providing all the needed electrical power
Concept of annular heat exchanger for waste heat recovery system
Concept for a combined-cycle engine, mounted in a pod under the wings and providing electricity or mechanical power for propulsion.