
Repository (will follow soon)

Even before the formal initiation of strategic foresight, TU Delft has invested in creating reports and background studies over the past years related to the university’s long-term policy, relevant in the context of strategic foresight. These are made accessible here with the participants’ consent.

Resources (will follow soon)

Strategic foresight is an approach increasingly used in the public sector (including universities). Much of the material in this field has been made available to the public. This homepage provides access to these materials.

External publications

The Futures Toolkit

The Futures Toolkit provides a set of tools to help embed long-term strategic thinking within the policy process, and explains how to ensure they have real impact. It is intended for policy officials and analysts across government.

Publisher: GOV.UK

Foresight Playbook

The UNDP RBAP Foresight Playbook explores entry points to incorporate foresight approaches, methodologies, and tools into UNDP’s work with the aim of building anticipatory capacities to better respond to risk, uncertainty, and opportunities in the future. 

Publisher: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Beyond Strategic Planning: A Foresight Toolkit for Decision Makers

A toolkit for leaders looking for simple and pragmatic ways to apply foresight in their work.

Publisher: California 100 & School of International Futures (SOIF)